Назад Assisting public officials in Pristina on analysis of data on discrimination and in their reporting skills

Assisting public officials in Pristina on analysis of data on discrimination and in their reporting skills

As part of the close partnership between the European Union and the Council of Europe with the Office for Good Governance in the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo*, the programme is supporting the process of capacity building for the public officials on how to report and analyse data on discrimination more efficiently.  The first training of  trainers took place during 27 - 28 June 2021 in Pristina in a hybrid event. The discussion aimed at empowering the staff of the Office for Good Governance with increased understanding of data collection in the field of discrimination, by getting them more familiar with the new reporting tool devised as part of the local Horizontal Facility II anti-discrimination action.

Civil servants exchanged with Council of Europe staff and experts on how the tool and data can be used in the best way, to provide a snapshot of the most recurrent forms of discrimination, at central and local level, as reported by various institutions. The results of the analysis should lead to an improved annual reporting on implementation of the Law on Protection from Discrimination, as per the coordinating role the Office for Good Governance has in the system. New trainers will continue working on practical exercises, tutored by experts, and will become able to train and assist their peers among the anti-discrimination focal points in municipalities and ministries in the future.

The activity is organised within the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, and its action on “Promotion of diversity and equality in Kosovo”, in cooperation with the Office for Good Governnance/Prime Minister Office.



*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

Pristina 27-28 July 2021
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*Овај назив је без прејудицирања статуса и у складу је са Резолуцијом Савета безбедности Уједињених нација 1244 и Мишљењем Међународног суда правде о Декларацији о независности Косова.