Назад Lawyers in Montenegro raise their capacities on the provision of legal aid to the victims of trafficking in human beings

Petrovac - Montenegro 16-17 May 2024
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Lawyers in Montenegro raise their capacities on the provision of legal aid to the victims of trafficking in human beings

A training programme, focusing on empowering lawyers specialising in supporting victims of trafficking in human beings took place on 16 and 17 May in Petrovac.

This programme, supported by the European Union and the Council of Europe, is a result of a collaborative effort, involving the Secretariat of GRETA (Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings of the Council of Europe), the Judicial Training Centre, the Bar Association and the Ministry of Justice. It is aimed to equip legal professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively provide free legal aid.

In Montenegro, access to legal aid is regulated by the Law on Free Legal Aid (in force as of 1 January 2012). Following amendments to this law in 2015, victims of trafficking in human beings are recognised as ultimate beneficiaries of free legal aid. Therefore, it is a priority need not only to raise awareness on availability of the free legal aid services to the victims of trafficking, but also, to enhance the capacities and knowledge of lawyers who are legal aid providers and relevant institutions on their obligation to properly inform the victims on their rights.

Acknowledging that engaging with victims requires more than just a legal expertise, the training aimed to enhance participants' abilities to connect with and comprehend the unique challenges faced by victims. The training session was concentrated on refining skills related to approaching victims, establishing meaningful communication, adequately preparing for legal proceedings, and safeguarding victims against further harm through secondary victimisation. This activity contributes to creation of a more supportive and protective environment for victims, ensuring their rights are upheld.

This training session was organised with the support of the action "Strengthening accountability of the judicial system and enhancing protection of victims' rights in Montenegro", which is part of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”.


Horizontal Facility III

Заједнички програм Европске уније и Савета Европе „Horizontal Facility за Западни Балкан и Турску“ (Horizontal Facility III) је иницијатива за сарадњу, која траје од 2023. до 2026. године.

У оквиру програма активности ће се спроводити у у Албанији, Босни и Херцеговини, на Косову*, у Црној Гори, Северној Македонији, Србији и Турској. Под окриљем програма се пружа подршка корисницима у испуњавању реформских агенди у областима људских права, владавине права и демократије и усклађивању са европским стандардима, штo је приоритет у процесу проширења ЕУ.

Укупан буџет треће фазе програма је 41 милион евра (85% финансира Европска унија, 15% Савет Европе).

Ова веб страница је израђена уз финансијску подршку Европске уније и Савета Европе. Садржај ни у ком случају не представља званичне ставове Европске уније ни Савета Европе.

*Овај назив је без прејудицирања статуса и у складу је са Резолуцијом Савета безбедности Уједињених нација 1244 и Мишљењем Међународног суда правде о Декларацији о независности Косова.