Рад у овој области фокусиран је на промовисање слободе изражавања и слободе медија у складу са европским стандардима. Циљна група су правници и правнице (судије/суткиње, тужиоци/тужитељке, адвокати/адвокатице), полицијски органи, регулаторна тела за медије и државна тела задужена за медијско законодавство и питања у вези са новинарством, као и медијски актери (новинари/новинарке, удружења новинара, саморегулаторна тела, студенти и студенткиње права и новинарства и друге медијске организације). Теме заштите података и приступа јавним информацијама су од посебног интереса у оквиру теме заштите слободе изражавања и медија.

Назад MEDIA ADVISORY: “Freedom without hate: Reconciling freedom of expression with other human rights”

MEDIA ADVISORY: “Freedom without hate: Reconciling freedom of expression with other human rights”

The Conference “Freedom without hate: Reconciling freedom of expression with other human rights” will be held at the Hotel ‘Rogner’ in Tirana on Friday, 20 December 2019 starting from 10:00.
The event, organised by the Office of the Ombudsperson in Albania in co-operation with the Council of Europe Office in Tirana, in the framework of the European Union and the Council of  Europe joint Programme ‘Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022’, will discuss with key actors how to counter hate speech and foster tolerance and dialogue through enhancing partnerships among various actors and stakeholders.

Opening remarks will be given by: 

  • Mr Ilir Meta, President of Republic of Albania 
  • Ms Erinda Ballanca, Ombudsperson of Albania  
  • Mr Gramoz Ruçi, Deputy Speaker of Parliament
  • Ms Jutta Gützkow, Head of Council of Europe Office in Tirana 
  • Mr Brian Williams, UN Resident Co-ordinator in Albania
  • Mr Daniel Koski, Chargé d’Affaires, U.S Embassy in Albania 

During this conference, the topic of ‘hate speech’ will be addressed in the context of freedom of expression and anti-discrimination. At the event, the Ombudsperson Office, Commission for Protection from Discrimination and the Albanian Media Council will announce the establishment of the ‘No Hate Alliance’, which is a commitment by these organisations to engage key stakeholders in the field to join efforts and advocate for countering hate speech. The Conference will bring together high-level representatives of civil society, government agencies, media, academia, and international organisations that have a direct role in protecting freedom of expression and eliminating hate speech.

Media are welcome to cover the conference, which begins at 10:00 on 20 December 2019 at Hotel Rogner, Antigonea Room 1, Tirana.

Ombudsperson: Sokol Shameti, tel: +355 69 20 33 001
Council of Europe: Besnik Baka, tel. +355 69 21 78 430

Tirana 19 December 2019
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