Horizontal Facility је усмерен на сузбијање корупције, привредног криминала, прања новца и финансирања тероризма, као и на борбу против еколошког криминала, укључујући мере за транспарентност финансирања политичких партија, система пријављивања имовине, националног ризика и процене и развоја капацитета финансијско-обавештајних јединица.

Назад Parliament of Albania adopts amendments to the Electoral Code

photo: Shutterstock

photo: Shutterstock

The Parliament of Albania adopted amendments to the Electoral Code after a long period of consultation with political parties and civil society organisations and with the support of international partners.

Through the joint Horizontal Facility II Action against economic crime in Albania, the European Union and the Council of Europe have provided recommendations on legislative amendments to the Electoral Code and to the Law on Financing of Political Parties and Electoral Subjects in Albania.

The amendments take into account the action’s recommendations and are expected to strengthen the implementation of Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) recommendations and will provide for an increase in the transparency of political finance and address concerns regarding the misuse of state resources and vote buying.

The adoption of the electoral reform and amendments on political party and election campaign financing fulfils one of the key conditions set forth by the European Council paving Albania’s way towards the start of negotiations for European Union accession.

The Action against economic crime in Albania will continue to further support the reform process in the area of political party financing through assistance to Parliament of Albania and Central Election Commission.

Tirana 24 July 2020
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