Promoting inclusivity: new brochure on the Administrative Court published in multiple languages

22 July 2024 Podgorica

To enhance public understanding of the Administrative Court's role in overseeing the lawful conduct of public authorities, a brochure detailing the essential Court’s work and functions was recently published in official language/languages in the official use in Montenegro, as well as in Romani...

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Enhancing justice: Launch of specialised communication training for prosecutors and police officers

18 - 19 July 2024 Podgorica

Effective communication is one of the cornerstones of successful relationships between rule of law institutions and citizens. By honing communication skills, prosecutors and police officials can enhance their ability to present their work accurately, build stronger relationships with public and...

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European Union and Council of Europe support civil society to empower women in Türkiye

18 July 2024 Ankara

The joint European Union/Council of Europe action “Fostering women's access to justice in Türkiye” is supporting the capacities of civil society organisations through a grant scheme. Grants were awarded to three civil society organisations, namely Hayat Sende Gençlik Akademisi Derneği (Hayat...

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Participation of the Young European Ambassadors in the International Youth Seminar and Policy Symposium on Active Political Participation of National Minority Youth

17 - 18 June 2024

Supported by the European Union and the Council of Europe and organised by the Council of Europe Youth Department in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary and the National Youth Council of Hungary, the International Youth Seminar and Policy Symposium on Active...

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Call for tenders: Purchase of the communication services relating to the social media awareness raising initiative on discrimination in digital settings and inclusive education in Montenegro

17 July 2024 Montenegro

Within the framework of the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”, the Council of Europe is currently implementing the action “Quality education for all in Montenegro”. In that context, it is looking for a Provider for the...

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Continuation of the inter judicial dialogue on application of the European Convention on Human Rights at the national level

9 July 2024 Podgorica

The Round table dedicated to strengthening the application of human rights standards in the practices of the Constitutional and regular courts in Montenegro, took place on 9 July 2024 in Podgorica. This event is a part of the overall efforts aimed at achieving two interrelated goals:...

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Prvi krug obuke za državne službenike i službenice Bosne i Hercegovine za prepoznavanje i postupanje u slučajevima govora mržnje

8 - 9. jul 2024. godine Jahorina

Uz podršku Evropske unije i Vijeća Evrope, Agencija za državnu službu Bosne i Hercegovine, organizovala je prvi trening za 26 državnih službenika i službenica o prepoznavanju i postupanju u slučajevima govora mržnje. Ovaj trening, koji se održao 8. i 9. jula 2024. godine na Jahorini, nastavak je...

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Keeping track of the developments on Freedom of Expression with justice professionals in Kosovo*


Freedom of expression continues to be a vital right protected by legal standards across Europe, necessitating continuous education for those tasked with its protection. To support the already certified judges, prosecutors, and lawyers on freedom of expression, with up-to-date knowledge on the...

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Nastavnici/e učinili prve korake da postanu certificirani/e treneri/ce kompetencija za demokratsku kulturu

2 - 4. jul 2024. godine Bosna i Hercegovina

Deset nastavnika/ca iz osnovnih i srednjih škola u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) učestvovalo je na Obuci za trenere/ice organizovanoj za nastavnike/ce iz Resursnih centara u okviru zajedničkog projekta Evropske unije i Vijeća Evrope „Kvalitetno obrazovanje za sve“ održanoj od 2. do 4. jula. Ova grupa...

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Adresiranje rasizma i rasne diskriminacije u kontekstu procesa pristupanja Evropskoj uniji u regiji Zapadnog Balkana i Istočnog partnerstva

4. jul 2024. godine Strazbur

Vijeće Evrope u Strazburu ugostilo je tokom 3-4. jula dvodnevnu konferenciju, fokusiranu na borbu protiv rasizma i rasne diskriminacije u kontekstu procesa pristupanja Evropskoj uniji. Konferencija, koju su podržali EU i Vijeće Evrope pod nazivom "Adresiranje rasizma i rasne diskriminacije u...

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Adresiranje govora mržnje i zločina iz mržnje: regionalni skup mreže tijela za ravnopravnost Zapadnog Balkana i regiona Istočnog partnerstva

1 - 2. jul 2024. godine Strazbur

Dvodnevna radionica o adresiranju govora mržnje i zločina iz mržnje održana je u prostorijama Vijeća Evrope u Strazburu, na kojoj su učestvovali predstavnici i predstavnice tijela za ravnopravnost sa Zapadnog Balkana i regiona Istočnog partnerstva. Uz podršku Evropske unije i Vijeća Evrope, ovaj...

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Anti-trafficking partners and beneficiaries confirm their co-operation to advance the fight against trafficking in North Macedonia

02 July 2024 Skopje

The third multi-agency Steering Committee meeting of the action “Strengthening anti-trafficking action in North Macedonia” was held in Skopje. Representatives from the EU Delegation, the Ministry of Social Protection, Demography and Youth, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs...

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Lawyers in North Macedonia enhance their skills for providing Free Legal Aid


Lawyers providing secondary legal aid are crucial in ensuring access to justice and the effective protection of human rights in line with European standards. Supported by the European Union and the Council of Europe’s joint programme, “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye,” and...

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Empowering legal professionals on freedom of expression: advanced Training of Trainers kicks off in North Macedonia

3-5 July 2024 Struga

Building on the successful co-operation with the training institutions in North Macedonia, the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors and the North Macedonia Bar Association, an advanced training for trainers on freedom of expression, specifically tailored for legal professionals, was...

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Članovi/ce Savjetodavnog odbora pozivaju na daljnju implementaciju Mape puta za unapređenje inkluzivnog obrazovanja u Bosni i Hercegovini

1. jul 2024. godine Online

Treći sastanak Savjetodavnog odbora zajedničkog projekta Evropske unije (EU) i Vijeća Evrope „Kvalitetno obrazovanje za sve“ u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) održan je online 1. jula 2024. godine. Sastanak je otvorio Adnan Husić, pomoćnik ministrice u Ministarstvu civilnih poslova BiH i Fermin...

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CEPEJ supports mediation awareness for judges in Albania


An awareness raising workshop on referral to mediation was organised with 15 magistrates and graduating magistrates of Albania with CEPEJ experts, in co-operation with the School of Magistrates and the National Mediation Chamber of Albania. The activity organised with the support of EU and...

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Institucije Bosne i Hercegovine, akademska zajednica, civilno društvo i mediji udružuju snage u borbi protiv dezinformacija i govora mržnje na internetu

2. juli 2024. Sarajevo

Europski standardi, uključujući EU Digital Service Act (DSA), predviđaju multisektorski pristup zaštiti od štetnog sadržaja na internetu, koji uključujuje državne institucije kao i nevladine organizacije, regulatorna i samoregulatorna tijela, civilno društvo, akademsku zajednicu i medije. Na...

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Ensuring quality education for all

April - June 2024 Western Balkans

The programme has been supporting authorities, civil society organisations, schools, students, their parents, and broader local communities in achieving better education for all. The actions engaged in the field of education have been working on having schools free from discrimination, nurturing...

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Protecting freedom of expression and freedom of the media in the Western Balkans

April - June 2024 Western Balkans

Freedom of expression and freedom of the media are essential freedoms of the people of the Western Balkans that need to be protected in line with European standards. The programme has been working together with the beneficiary institutions, civil society organisations, and media associations, so...

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Get to know the most recent publications published under the Horizontal Facility programme!

April - June 2024 Western Balkans

Get to know the most recent publications published under the Horizontal Facility programme! In this edition of Highlights, we are bringing you three publications published in the framework of the programme to enhance knowledge and bring the European standards in various areas closer to the...

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