Bu tematik alan çerçevesinde yürütülecek çalışmalarda cezaevleri ve kolluk güçleri (kolluk uygulamalarında insan hakları, cezaevlerinde sağlık hizmetleri ve işkence ve kötü muameleye karşı güvenceler dahil), yargıda insan hakları standartları (Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi içtihatlarının uygulanması), göç ile ilgili sorunlar, adalet sistemlerinin verimliliği (mahkemelerin niteliğinin en üst düzeye çıkarılması amacıyla adli istatistiklerin analizi) ve/veya hukuki iş birliği (hâkim ve savcıların bireysel bağımsızlığını ve yargı sisteminin hesap verebilirliğini artırma) konularına odaklanılacaktır.

Geri Representatives of judiciary institutions reaffirm their commitment to strengthen the efficiency and quality of justice in Albania

Representatives of judiciary institutions reaffirm their commitment to strengthen the efficiency and quality of justice in Albania

On 23 September, Steering Committee members of the joint European Union and Council of Europe action “Strengthening the quality and efficiency of justice in Albania - SEJ III” discussed on the progress of activities for the last semester and the plans ahead. Representatives of key justice institutions emphasized the need for strengthening the court administration and capacities in addressing the challenges of the justice reform.

Steering Committee members took note on the results achieved and put emphasis in their remarks on the importance to continue support with concrete measures and unique tools of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) to priority areas such as the new judicial map, the unified methodology for the collection judicial statistics, support to the continuous training of the School of Magistrates and agreed on important actions proposed and related implementation modalities.

In addition, they supported the innovative approaches and IT solutions under implementation by the Action notably on establishment of a court user’s satisfaction system, the piloting of the online notification platform in Tirana District Court and establishment of a Human Resource Management platform for non-judicial staff in Albanian courts.

The action on “Strengthening the quality and efficiency of justice in Albania - SEJ III” is part of the “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022” programme a co-operation initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe, which aims to enable Beneficiaries to implement reform agendas in the fields of human rights, rule of law and democracy and to comply with the European standards.



Tirana 24 September 2021
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“Tema 1 - Adaletin güçlendirilmesi” alanındaki projeler:

*Bu ifade, statüye ilişkin görüşlere halel getirmez ve BM Güvenlik Konseyi’nin 1244 sayılı Kararı ve Uluslararası Adalet Divanının Kosova’nın Bağımsızlık Deklarasyonu hakkındaki Görüşü ile uyumludur.