Назад Council of Europe and European Union support Albania’s Fight against Corruption and Economic Crime

Council of Europe and European Union support Albania’s Fight against Corruption and Economic Crime

Albania actively contributes to the mission of Council of Europe monitoring bodies, including the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) and Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL), in fighting economic crime, corruption, money laundring and terrorism financing

The Conference, entitled “Fighting Corruption and Economic Crime“ discussed progress made and challenges in the ongoing co-operation between Albania and GRECO and MONEYVAL. Held at the Law Faculty (University of Tirana) in Tirana, the conference gathered representatives of international organisations, diplomatic corps, public institutions, academia, university, civil society, private sector and media.

The conference was opened by Artan Hoxha, Dean of the Law Faculty, who welcomed this conference in the premises of the University. Gianluca Esposito, Head of Council of Europe Action against Crime Department and Executive Secretary of GRECO, praised good co-operation with the Albanian authorities, presenting the participants with the contribution of the Council of Europe and the EU to supporting the reform processes in the country undertaken by the Albanian authorities, including the reform of the electoral code, the anti-money laundering legislation, strengthening the asset declaration system, processing and publishing of assets declared by elected and public officials, etc..

The Head of Rule of Law and Good Governance of the European Union Delegation to Albania, Lenka Vitkova, stressed the importance of the fight against economic crime and money laundering in the process of consolidation of the rule of law and EU integration reforms.

The participants were also greeted by French Ambassador to Albania, Christina Vasak, and the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Tirana, Jutta Gützkow. Ms Gützkow pointed out that through the implementation of the Action against Economic Crime, as part of the jointly-funded “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022” programme, the Council of Europe and the European Union play an important role in helping Albania to fight against economic crime and money laundering.

To that end the Council of Europe has always taken a three-pronged multidisciplinary approach by setting European standards based on international conventions and other legal instruments; monitoring the country’s compliance with these standards through co-operation with GRECO and MONEYVAL; and capacity building co-operation programmes.

Deputy Minister of Justice Fjoralba Caka in her remarks spoke about Albania’s contribution to GRECO and MONEYVAL in taking important measures against economic crime, corruption and money laundering.

The conference - organised by the Council of Europe Office in Tirana, in co-operation with the French Embassy, within the framework of the French Chairmanship of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers, and in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and Prime Minister`s Office - marked the 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe, as one of the five thematic roundtables held in different cities, focusing on key areas of work of the Organisation.

Tirana 12 November 2019
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