Рад у овој области фокусиран је на промовисање слободе изражавања и слободе медија у складу са европским стандардима. Циљна група су правници и правнице (судије/суткиње, тужиоци/тужитељке, адвокати/адвокатице), полицијски органи, регулаторна тела за медије и државна тела задужена за медијско законодавство и питања у вези са новинарством, као и медијски актери (новинари/новинарке, удружења новинара, саморегулаторна тела, студенти и студенткиње права и новинарства и друге медијске организације). Теме заштите података и приступа јавним информацијама су од посебног интереса у оквиру теме заштите слободе изражавања и медија.

Назад Promoting inclusivity in media content in North Macedonia

Skopje 13 March 2024
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Promoting inclusivity in media content in North Macedonia

Persons with disabilities have a right to enjoy the content of audiovisual media.  To this end, a public presentation of a draft Rulebook to ensure accessibility of audiovisual media services (AVMS) for persons with disabilities took place today in Skopje with the support of the EU and Council of Europe. This presentation marks the start of the 90-days public debate towards adoption of the final version of the Rulebook.

The amendments to the 2010 Audiovisual Media Services (AVMS) Directive (2010/13/EU) from 2018, highlight the obligations for AVMS providers to deliver accessible content for persons with sensory disabilities. The directive now emphasises the imperative for the EU member and candidate states to swiftly progress towards enhancing accessibility measures, ensuring the fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

The 2023 amendments to the Law on Audio and Audio-Visual Media Services demonstrate commitment to aligning the legislative frameworks with AVMSD standards and strengthening accessibility provisions. Notably, the amendments broaden the scope of audiovisual media services to encompass television programmes and on-demand services, with the draft Rulebook extending its reach to all media services, including radio, addressing issues of content and representation.

The draft Rulebook, developed by the Council of Europe consultant in co-operation with the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services in North Macedonia, outlines obligations for broadcasters and AVMS providers to ensure universal accessibility. During the presentation, the Council of Europe consultants shared various tools and methodologies for rendering content accessible to individuals primarily with sensory disabilities available in other European countries. Representative of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services presented the draft Rulebook, available in Macedonian language, launching the 90-day public debate. Throughout this deliberative period, stakeholders are invited to provide feedback, contributions, and suggestions, fostering a collaborative approach towards refining the final text of the Rulebook.

This public presentation was organised under the joint European Union and the Council of Europe action “Protecting freedom of expression and of the media in North Macedonia” (PRO-FREX), which is a part of the programme Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye.