Назад New statistical reports for courts including key CEPEJ performance indicators, available to judges and court presidents in Kosovo*

New statistical reports for courts including key CEPEJ performance indicators, available to judges and court presidents in Kosovo*

The Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) announced that new statistical reports are now available in the courts and can be used by all judges and court presidents to monitor the performance, court backlogs, postponements of hearings, and the length of court proceedings. The statistical reports were designed collaboratively by the Case Management Information System (CMIS) team and the European Union and Council of Europe joint action on “Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Kosovo” (KoSEJ II) which engaged the European Commission for the Eficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) experts, Mr. Marco Fabri and Mr. Jacques Bühler to provide to KJC tailored recommendations and expertise. The KJC acknowledged that these reports will help increase the efficiency and transparency in the justice system. They can be generated automatically from the CMIS for a specific period of time, per court or per judge, and incorporate key CEPEJ indicators such as the Clearance Rate. One of the reports also monitors the “age of the pending cases”, as recommended in the CEPEJ Implementation guide "Towards European timeframes for judicial proceedings"

The activity was organised by the KoSEJ II, part of the European Union and Councl of Europe joint programme "Horizontal Facility  II” aiming to assist judicial authorities in enhancing the day-to-day efficiency and quality of the justice system at both central and court level, with the relevant CEPEJ methodology and tools.

This activity was also implemented in coordination with the USAID-funded “Justice System Strengthening Programme”.

 Link to the KJC news on the new CMIS statistical reports




* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

Pristina 15 September 2021
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*Овај назив је без прејудицирања статуса и у складу је са Резолуцијом Савета безбедности Уједињених нација 1244 и Мишљењем Међународног суда правде о Декларацији о независности Косова.