Назад HELP online course on the Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights' launched in North Macedonia

HELP online course on the Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights' launched in North Macedonia

60 candidate judges and prosecutors in North Macedonia have participated in the online launch of the HELP online course on Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on 2 September. The HELP online course is implemented in co-operation with the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors of the Republic of North Macedonia and it is listed as compulsory in its initial training programme.

Participants were welcomed by Natasa Gaber-Damjanovska, Director of the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors, and could benefit from a presentation on the HELP Programme and its methodology.

Mirjana Lazarova Trajkovska, judge at the Supreme Court and former judge at the European Court of Human Rights elected in respect of North Macedonia introduced participants to the ECHR and its implementation at the domestic level. Furthermore, Danica Djonova, Agent of the Government before the European Court of Human Rights, illustrated the process of execution of ECtHR judgments and decision and the supervision over this process by the CoE Committee of Ministers.

Following the online launch, the HELP course will be implemented through the Council of Europe HELP online platform and it will be moderated by the HELP tutors, Natasa Gaber-Damjanovka and Velimir Delovski. In the upcoming period participants will have the opportunity to advance their knowledge on inter alia the structure and interpreting the ECHR, functioning of the ECtHR, life of the application submitted before the ECtHR, as well as the process of execution of the ECtHR judgments.

The model HELP course on Introduction to the ECHR and the ECtHR was published on the HELP online platform on 31 March 2020 in an updated and modernised version. Since then, more than 3000 users of the HELP Programme enrolled in its self-learning version. The course has already been implemented in several countries and has been integrated in the programmes of judiciary schools in countries like Serbia, Italy etc.

The online course is implemented in the framework of the action “HELP in the Western Balkans”, implemented under the European Union and Council of Europe joint programme "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2020".

North Macedonia 2 September 2020
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