Youth mainstreaming and the youth perspective have become increasingly central on the youth policy agenda all over Europe and in both partner institutions.
In the EU, mainstreaming the youth perspective across EU policy fields was a key objective of the European Year of Youth. Member states and youth organisations are continuing discussions on how youth mainstreaming is implemented within the framework of the EU Youth Strategy. The Communication of the legacy of the Year of Youth summarises the main impact of the year, and lists key actions going forward. The European Youth Forum has been advocating for using a youth test or youth checks in all policy and some member states have such mechanisms in place.
In the Council of Europe, the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government in Reykjavik in 2023 identified the need to integrate a youth perspective in the work of the organisation, and to strengthen the voice of young people in all its policies and to develop mechanisms to engage them in those policies. The Reykjavik declaration is a guiding document for the institution to develop this work.
While including young people and their voices in policy making has long been a central priority of the youth sector, a systematic overview of practices and programs on local, national and European levels is needed.
The Youth Partnership will launch new research, analysis, and develop recommendations within the program of activities of 2024-2025, starting with launching research on two areas:
- Mainstreaming youth and strengthening a youth perspective at national and local levels
- Youth perspective and mainstreaming youth at European level
- A Youth Knowledge Book is foreseen to be produced on youth participation in policy making and youth mainstreaming, as well as additional support materials and resources to support the sector in implementing these approaches.
An expert meeting, planned for March 2024, will explore cross-sectoral and thematic experiences of youth mainstreaming and youth perspectives in policy, as a starting ground for launching the research:
- Mapping local and national approaches to youth mainstreaming, youth tests, youth checks and youth perspective initiatives;
- Analysing international organisations’ approaches to youth perspective and youth mainstreaming (including, UN, OSCE, the European Commission and the Council of Europe);
- Defining the topics to be explored in a Youth Knowledge Book.