Symposium ‘Connecting the Dots’: Choice of Workshops
Workshops round 1
Workshop 1: Access to services, youth-friendly services, services for social inclusion
(facilitator Valentin Dupouey, rapporteur Corina Pirvulescu)
Practices presented at this workshop:
Smart Toolbox: a virtual toolbok for youth workers, which contains information and tips about smart youth work generally and guidelines how to organise an event using digital tools, presented by Kati Nõlvak (ENTK)
CLICNJOB: an online service enabling youth workers to better support young people and their social inclusion, presented by Thomas Vandriessche, Wetechcare (France),
Youth Employment Plan and the Digital Social Lab: developing young people’s entrepreneurial skills, presented by Antonio Román-Casas, AUPEX (Spain)
Workshop 2: Reaching out to young people and the digital divide
(facilitator Evaldas Rupkus, rapporteur Tanya Basarab)
Practices presented at this workshop :
Eurodesk Chatbot on Facebook Messenger: tools to reach out young people more easily and faster, presented by Grazia Cannarsa, EURODESK (Belgium)
Youth Work HD: empowering youth workers through online education to enhance social inclusion, presented by Sanjin Smajlović, Centre of Technical Culture Rijeka (Croatia)
Youtube in Youth Work: involving Youtubers to spread information about youth policy and youth work opportunities, presented by Jolanta Sakalauskienė, Ministry of Social Security and Labour (Lithuania)
Workshop 3: Resilience and empowerment for social inclusion
(facilitator Clara Giberga, rapporteur Mara Georgescu)
Practices presented at this workshop :
Quintana 4D: Digital Ghosts of a Future Past - using the digital space to enhance access to culture, presented by Paolo Russo, Stati Generali dell'Innovazione (Italy)
LGBTIQ in Tech: dealing with intersectionality in the digital space, presented by Heidi Puntgartnik, TransAkcija Institute (Slovenia)
Youth Hacking and Democracy Labs: offering empowerment in digitalisation for young people with fewer opportunities, presented by Cin Pietschmann, Open Knowledge Foundation (Germany)
Workshop 4: Combating discrimination in the digital space, hate speech, cyber-bullying and harassment
(facilitator Imre Simon, rapporteur Manfred Zentner)
Practices presented at this workshop :
No Hate Speech Movement Campaign – producing online activists for human rights online, presented by Nelli Gishyan, Youth Alliance via Networking Educational NGO/No Hate Speech Movement Armenia (Armenia)
BRIGHTS – boosting global citizenship education using digital storytelling, presented by Barbara Quarta, ALL DIGITAL (Belgium)
Different? Wonderful! – using the digital space to celebrate diversity and combat discrimination, presented by Krenare Lleshi, DRIT (Kosovo*)
Workshops round 2
Workshop 1: Access to services, youth-friendly services, services for social inclusion
(facilitator Gubaz Koberidze, rapporteur Dunja Potocnik)
Practices presented at this workshop:
Youth Care Leavers: a care leaver mobile application to support young people leaving alternative care, presented by Annamaria Nagy, SOS Children's Villages International (Austria)
Click for Support - REALized: web-based intervention for young consumers of new psychoactive substances: 'Mind Your Trip', presented by Nadine van Gelder, LWL - Coordination Office for Drug-Related Issues (Germany)
GEYC Community - how to engage people online and give them access to youth information and opportunities, presented by Gabriel-Andrei Brezoiu, GEYC (Romania)
Workshop 2: Reaching out to young people and the digital divide
(facilitator Mara Georgescu, rapporteur Nuala Connolly)
Practices presented at this workshop :
No Profit Challenge, app to make links between community organisations and volunteers, presented by Francesco Perconti, Giosef (Italy)
Moderated online discussion group as a component of targeted youth work - intervention by PROMEQ research project, presented by Sanna Aaltonen, Finnish Youth Research Society (Finland)
Study on new trends in youth employment and its relationship with the digital revolution to establish a framework for Ibero-American governments and launch a training program in digital skills, presented by Alejandra Sáenz, International Youth Organism for IberoAmerica (Spain)
Workshop 3: Resilience and empowerment for social inclusion
(facilitator Davide Capecchi, rapporteur Sladjana Petkovic)
Practices presented at this workshop :
Youth shape their future through digital tools: #OPIN #webDays – e-participation and involving young people in shaping the net policy and voicing their ideas for the technological developments, presented by Evaldas Rupkus, IJAB (Germany)
Online Platform and App Linking Refugees to Training and Employment Opportunities, presented by Maria Kanellopoulou, CARITAS (Greece)
Digitalents Helsinki, a youth community, in which young people learn coding, game development and new media by doing, presented by Karoliina Leisti, Digitalents Helsinki (Finland)
Workshop 4: Combating discrimination in the digital space, hate speech, cyber-bullying and harassment
(facilitator Eliza Popper, rapporteur Irina Drexler)
Practices presented at this workshop :
Non-toxic – non-discriminating gaming culture, presented by Riikka Kaukinen, City of Helsinki (Finland)
"NoHateMakers in Action: combating Hate Speech in EuroMED", producing digital pieces of counter-narratives, and "HRe-activism against Hate Speech": youth online activism for human rights combating Hate Speech, presented by Alessandra Coppola, APICE (Italy)
* All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.