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Back Youth Work Curriculum

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Youth Work Curriculum. The term was first mentioned in 1975 as an answer to describe what is being done in the context of a specific youth work practice. Youth work curricula are systematic efforts to describe the main elements of youth work, it’s goal, process and methods. Curricula can emphasise outcomes or be process-oriented. This type of curriculum is referred to as an ‘emergent curriculum’. Curricula can be used to evaluate and streamline youth work activities. In youth work, curriculum is a contested concept. Youth work curricula can emphasise personal development or societal change. In Europe they are developed both top-down on the national level, or bottom-up on the local level using participatory approaches.

Ref: Ord Jon (2016) Youth Work Process, Product and Practice. Creating an authentic curriculum in work with young people. 2nd edition. Abindgon: Routledge.