EPLM Newsletter #1


You are reading the latest issue of the European Platform on Learning Mobility in the Youth Field newsletter, a network for European practitioners, policy makers and researchers working in the field of non-formal education.

The history of the EPLM network: In 2011 the international conference ‘Framework, Quality, and Impact of Young Europeans' Learning Mobility' conference took place in Budapest. A total of 80 policy makers, researchers, practitioners, and institutions and organizations in the youth field from 27 countries joined the event. The aim of this European conference was to take stock of current debates and research findings on educational youth mobility, exchange insights into quality factors and program formats that will contribute to the desirable impact of learning mobility schemes for young Europeans and serve to identify common interests, resources, and interfaces as a basis for collaboration projects, studies and further exchanges within a European network of experts. An important outcome of the conference was the suggestion to implement a European Platform on Learning Mobility in the Youth Field. Meanwhile, a second conference took place in Berlin in 2013, resulting in the publication of the book "Learning mobility and non-formal learning in European contexts. Policies,  approaches and examples". Until the end of this year the German association transfer e.V. is coordinating the network in cooperation with the German National Agency of the EU program Youth in Action. In 2014 the coordination will be handed over to another European country. 

To read more about the history of the EPLM Network please click here

The newsletter is presenting you the latest information concerning:

Latest EPLM Activities

Publication "Learning mobility and non-formal learning in European contexts. Policies, approaches and examples" released within the framework of the EPLM network. 

This book on learning mobility is a joint Council of Europe and European Commission publication, and provides texts of an academic, scientific, political and practical nature for all stakeholders in the youth field. To download the publication please click here

Conference report and documentation "Mobility Spaces, Learning Spaces - Linking Policy, Research and Practice"

From 20th – 22nd March 2013 in Berlin, Germany, the international conference "Mobility Spaces, Learning Spaces - Linking Policy, Research and Practice" discussed current issues of youth mobility with 85 invited experts from 26 countries across the European Union and beyond. The participants strongly confirmed the need for a European Platform on Learning Mobility in the youth field, which aims at facilitating a sustainable exchange and cooperation on learning mobility between the various actors in the youth field, especially researchers, practitioners, institutions and organisations.

To read the report of the conference please click here: Report of the International Conference "Mobility Spaces, Learning Spaces - Linking Policy, Research and Practice

To read the full documentation and presentations of the contributions of the conference please click here

Upcoming Events

Steering Group Meeting

Tuesday, 12 November 2013 - Thursday, 14 November 2013

Bonn, Germany

[email protected]



The report is produced as part of the project UNIQUE Year of Learning. It is a conclusion from the interviews with participants of the European Youth in Action Programme. To download the publication please click here: http://www.unique-learning.eu/ 

Publication of the report "Impact of the Cooperation with South East Europe within the Youth in Action Programme"

This study looks at the impact on people, organisations, local communities, youth work and policy development of projects and partnerships with South East Europe within the Youth in Action Programme. To download the publication please click here: http://www.salto-youth.net/rc/see/resources/seepublications/yiaimpactsee/

Publication "Youth in action on climate change: inspirations from around the world"

This publication is a collaborative effort of the United Nations Joint Framework Initiative on Children, Youth and Climate Change aiming at highlighting concrete activities young people are leading around the world. It has been produced as a tool and a source of inspiration for designing and carrying out climate change projects, initiatives and campaigns. To download the publication please click here: http://unfccc.int/cc_inet/cc_inet/six_elements/public_awareness/items/3529.php?displayPool=1584


Agreement on new EU program for education, training, youth and sport

The Irish Presidency has secured agreement on Erasmus+ among EU Member States and with the European Parliament. Erasmus+ (2014-2020) is the new €16bn catch-all framework programme for education, training, youth and sport. See more at: http://www.eu2013.ie/news/news-items/20130625erasmusfeature/

Release of the new European Youth Portal - Information and opportunities for young people across Europe!

The European Youth Portal offers European and national information and opportunities that are of interest to young people who are living, learning and working in Europe. It gives information around eight main themes, covers 33 countries and is available in 27 languages. See more at: http://europa.eu/youth/

Mobility Spaces, Learning Spaces - Linking Policy, Research and Practice

20 - 22 March 2013, GLS Language Centre Berlin, Germany
The European Platform on Learning Mobility in the Youth Field is guided by a Steering Group with representatives of the following organisations...
