A 4-day training of trainers for ten police officers took place on 28 June – 4 July in Bar, Montenegro, with the aim to improve the in-service training and the current training curricula for police officers with focus on the prevention of ill-treatment.
The training was based on case studies which were jointly analysed by the participants and CoE trainers, focusing upon issues of human rights, police ethics, use of force and means of coercion, prevention of ill-treatment in custody, and discrimination. The CoE trainers used interactive and participatory training methods to present CoE and other international standards, national legislation, theoretical concepts and experience from police practice.
The training was concluded with presentations prepared by the participants working in pairs and inspired by “real life cases” in Montenegro. The knowledge acquired by the participating police officers will be further disseminated to their peers through cascade training sessions.
The activity was organised within the Horizontal Facility Action, that is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe (1 October 2016 - 30 September 2017).