Horizontal Facility I (2016-2019) - Actions
Actions under Theme I: ensuring jusitice
- Enhancing the protection of human rights of prisoners in Albania
- Supporting effective domestic remedies and facilitating the execution of European Court of Human Rights judgments in Albania
- Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Albania
- Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons in Montenegro
- Fighting ill-treatment and impunity and enhancing the application of the European Court of Human Rights case-law on national level in Montenegro
- Accountability of the Judicial System in Montenegro
- Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons in Serbia
- Supporting effective remedies and mutual legal assistance in Serbia
- Strengthening legal guarantees for independent and impartial tribunals (available in English and Serbian)
- Enhancing the protection of human rights of prisoners in Kosovo*
- Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Kosovo*
- Strengthening the protection of the rights of sentenced persons in North Macedonia
- Enhancing human rights policing in North Macedonia
- Increasing judicial capacity to safeguard human rights and combat ill-treatment and impunity in North Macedonia
- Support to legal aid reforms in North Macedonia
Actions under theme II: fight against corruption
- Action against Economic Crime in Albania
- Action against Economic Crime in Montenegro
- Strengthen Integrity and Combat Corruption in the Higher Education in Montenegro
- Strengthen Integrity and Combat Corruption in the Higher Education in Serbia
- Strengthen Integrity and Combat Corruption in the Higher Education in Kosovo*
- Action against Economic Crime in North Macedonia
actions under theme III: combating discrmination
- Fighting Bullying and Extremism in the Education System in Albania
- Preventing and combating discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in Albania
- Strengthening the protection of national minorities in Albania
- Strengthening the Human Rights Ombudsman to fight discrimination (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Support to the IMO in the final assessment of the census process in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Strengthening the protection of national minorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Fostering a democratic school culture in Montenegro
- Fostering a democratic school culture in Serbia
- Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings in Serbia (available in English and Serbian)
- Strengthening the protection of national minorities in Serbia
- Fostering a democratic school culture and diversity in schools in Kosovo*
- Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings in North Macedonia
- Quality education in multi-ethnic societies in Bosnia and Herzegovina (available in English, Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian)
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.
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