
Montenegro established its free legal aid system by adopting the Law on Free Legal Aid which entered into force on 1 January 2012. The existing free legal aid system, however, has certain deficiencies "in terms of awareness and accessibility, but also with regard to children and other vulnerable groups" (2019 European Commission Report on Montenegro).
The joint European Union and Council of Europe action “Improving procedural safeguards in judicial proceedings in Montenegro” has launched the awareness raising campaign on accessibility of free legal aid for women, in the first-place victims of gender-based violence, but also victims of other crimes and members of marginalised groups. It is developed in co-operation with the Association of Judges, Ministry of Justice of Montenegro, Supreme Court of Montenegro and NGOs Women Rights Centre and SOS telephone for women and children victims of violence Podgorica.
This campaign aims to strengthen the protection of the rights of women victims of gender-based violence, but also victims of other crimes, and to draw the attention of the public to the increasing problem of gender-based violence in Montenegro.
It encourages women to report the violence and to #TellTheWholeStory!