On 18-21 July 2017 the joint Horizontal Facility EU/CoE Action “Fighting bullying and extremism in the education system in Albania” organised a four-day training event in Durrës, Albania with the aim of introducing the resource pack on bullying and extremism to local trainers and teachers from 21 pilot schools.
13 local trainers who provide direct assistance to 21 pilot schools in Albania were introduced to the resource pack by the Council of Europe international experts. They then designed the teacher trainings sessions which will be held during September – November 2017 in the pilot schools based on this resource pack.
Meanwhile, 42 teachers from 21 pilot schools in Albania were trained on the concepts of bullying and extremism, forms and consequences of bullying and extremism, parents and community involvement, participation, constructive communication and preparation of anti-bullying school polices. The knowledge acquired by the teachers will be further disseminated to their peers through Training of Trainers sessions.
As a result of this training, teachers and school administration staff will be able to make significant improvements in terms of addressing controversial issues such as bullying and extremism in schools.
The Resource Pack for teachers and school staff has been elaborated based on Council of Europe publications such as “Teaching controversial issues”, “Competences for Democratic Culture”, “Teaching democracy”, “Bookmarks” and “All equal-all different”.