In Patras, Greece, childrens’ carnival, held on 15 February 2015, served as a platform to address rumours about citizens from diverse backgrounds. A group of children, both local and migrant, was set around the topic of “Rumours do not get us wet!” with the support of the municipal authorities, migrant communities and NGOs. Quite symbolically, the children were dressed in yellow shiny colours and wore umbrellas to protect themselves from the “rain of rumours.” The group was accompanied by a parrot float, the emblem of the C4i, Communication for integration, project in Patras. The participants acted as anti-rumour agents distributing leaflets to the audience, talking with citizens and commenting for local TV channels. They also offered anti-rumour umbrellas to the Mayor and local politicians.
Patras’ carnival for children annually embraces thousands of children. Patras’ C4i team is proud that the Anti-rumour parrot float participated in the final parade of the Carnival on 22nd February, which is an excellent opportunity to reveal the potential of the C4i anti-rumour message.