Рад у овој области фокусиран је на промовисање слободе изражавања и слободе медија у складу са европским стандардима. Циљна група су правници и правнице (судије/суткиње, тужиоци/тужитељке, адвокати/адвокатице), полицијски органи, регулаторна тела за медије и државна тела задужена за медијско законодавство и питања у вези са новинарством, као и медијски актери (новинари/новинарке, удружења новинара, саморегулаторна тела, студенти и студенткиње права и новинарства и друге медијске организације). Теме заштите података и приступа јавним информацијама су од посебног интереса у оквиру теме заштите слободе изражавања и медија.

Назад Disinformation and electoral campaigns – legal and technical challenges

photo: Depositphotos

photo: Depositphotos

“False stories that appear to be news, spread on the internet or using other media, usually created to influence political views or as a joke”, is the Cambridge Dictionary definition of fake news. Fabricated, manipulated, imposter or misleading content, false context or connection, satire and parody are the variety of meanings of viral spreading of false news on the internet in social media. Putting all these forms to influence political discourse affects shaping of people’s opinions.

In view of the ongoing electoral campaign in North Macedonia, in order to support one of the beneficiaries of the action on Freedom of expression and freedom of the media in North Macedonia (JUFREX) - the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services of North Macedonia, the Council of Europe publication “Disinformation and electoral campaign” was translated in Macedonian language and now made available online.

This publication provides general overview of the situation with disinformation, from both technical and political perspectives, recommendations for taking on the referred legal and technical challenges, as well as programme of action concerning disinformation and electoral campaigns, that could be the right framework to meet the challenges of this complex issue. Taking into consideration all relevant aspects the conclusion is that whatever form chosen to respond to this issue, it shall contribute to enhancing democracy in Europe and support the Council of Europe in its duty to ensure free and fair elections, which are a fundamental part of European identity and its constitutional values.

The action on Freedom of expression and freedom of the media in North Macedonia (JUFREX) is part of the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II”, implemented by the Council of Europe. This co-operation initiative enables the Beneficiaries to meet their reform agendas in the fields of human rights, rule of law and democracy and to comply with the European standards, including where relevant within the framework of the EU enlargement process.

 Publication “Disinformation and electoral campaign” (in Macedonian)

Skopje 9 July 2020
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