The conference „Democratic citizenship and inclusive education”, which is organised as part of the joint European Union and Council of Europe action "Quality education for all", will be held on Wednesday, 24 May, starting at 09:30 in Podgorica, at the CUE hotel in Podgorica.
The opening remarks will be given by:
- Yngve Engstrom, Head of Co-operation, Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro
- Tamara Milić, Head of Inclusive Education Department, Ministry of Education of Montenegro
- Lejla Dervišagić, Head of Council of Europe Programme Office in Podgorica
- Vesna Atanasova, Head of Unit, Division of Formal and Non-Formal Education, Education Department, Council of Europe (via video link)
This conference will explore the importance of digital citizenship education and inclusive education in promoting a culture of democracy, human rights, and social inclusion. Participants will discuss best practices, challenges, and opportunities in the field of democratic citizenship and inclusive education.
The conference begins at 09:30 and it is open to media. Simultaneous interpretation into English/Montenegrin will be provided.
The "Quality education for all" action is a part of the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”".
For more information please contact:
Marija Simić, Communications Officer, Council of Europe [email protected]
+381 63 60 13 37
Miloš Bošković, Project Officer, Council of Europe [email protected]
+382 67 67 28 41