Назад Workshop on confidential counselling on ethical matters for judges and prosecutors in Serbia

Workshop on confidential counselling on ethical matters for judges and prosecutors in Serbia

Members of the Ethics Committees of the Serbian High Judicial and State Prosecutorial Council acquired knowledge and skills on confidential counselling on ethical matters in a workshop held in today Belgrade.

The workshop featured a presentation of the comparative analysis of the systems of confidential counselling on ethical matters, produced earlier this year. In line with the recommendations that were made, the participants considered possible improvements to relevant bylaws and took part in the exercise to design an information campaign by creating a brochure for holders of judicial and prosecutorial office, with the aim to further embed the confidential counselling in the Serbian justice system.

In the peer-to-peer exchange session, former confidential counsellor for ethical matters of the Slovenian Judicial Council delivered a presentation, focusing on the role of the counsellor as a corollary to the Ethics and Integrity Commission.

The workshop is part of the joint action of the European Union and the Council of Europe "Strengthening the independence and accountability of the judiciary", which is part of the “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022” programme.

Belgrade 24 November 2021
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