Geri “Upholding journalistic integrity and advancing freedom of expression in North Macedonia”: Journalists and media actors in North Macedonia discuss key measures and challenges.

Press Release
North Macedonia 17 April 2024
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“Upholding journalistic integrity and advancing freedom of expression in North Macedonia”: Journalists and media actors in North Macedonia discuss key measures and challenges.

The recent amendments to North Macedonia's Criminal Code enhance journalist protection by allowing the Prosecutor's Office to initiate criminal cases on their behalf, alleviating the burden of private prosecutions. Additionally, since defamation and insult were decriminalised in North Macedonia, the number of private lawsuits brought against journalists has risen, in a new threat to investigative reporting. These publicly known as SLAPP suits, mainly filed by politicians and public figures, threatening press freedom and citizens' access to crucial information.

A thematic discussion with key stakeholders from the media industry, representatives from relevant public institutions, civil society organisations, and international partners took place today in Skopje in the framework of the EU and Council of Europe joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”. The thematic discussion assessed recent developments concerning the protection and safety of journalists and provided insights for future action with a particular focus on Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs).

Oleg Soldatov, Head of Council of Europe Programme Office in Skopje welcomed the participants and stressed the importance of advancing journalistic integrity and freedom of expression as essential values for a diverse and democratic society.  “Freedom of expression and the protection of journalists are fundamental pillars of any democratic society. Upholding these principles ensures a vibrant and diverse media landscape, which is essential for an informed public discourse. The Council of Europe Programme Office in Skopje is committed to safeguarding press freedom and the safety of journalists through the HFIII action “Protecting freedom of expression and freedom of the media in North Macedonia” PRO-FREX. Together, we are working to defend the rights of journalists and ensure their crucial role in democracy.”, Soldatov stressed.

Alina Tatarenko, Head of Division on Co-operation on Freedom of Expression in her remarks recalled that free, independent, plural and diverse media are fundamental to democracy. Journalists and media professionals must enjoy full legal protection, as stated in the Reykjavík Principles for Democracy and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Through today’s discussion, we want to raise awareness of the challenges faced by journalists and advocate for the implementation of European standards at the national level. The “Journalists Matter” campaign and the recent Committee of Ministers’ recommendation on SLAPPs, underline the Council of Europe’s commitment to press freedom.

In his remarks, Dragan Sekulovski, Executive Director of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia reiterated that Journalists in North Macedonia are increasingly facing legal battles that are not about seeking justice but are used as tools to intimidate and exhaust them both mentally and financially. These lawsuits, known as SLAPPs, are a serious concern for us. Our goal is to foster a safer environment for journalism, where speaking truth to power is not met with punishment but with protection, ensuring that fear of legal reprisals doesn't lead to self-censorship.”

The event continued with open discussions between key stakeholders, media experts and media professionals who discussed the increasing use of SLAPPs in North Macedonia, in particular, and in Europe, in general, as well as the importance of the European Legal Framework Against SLAPPs, which sets new rules to protect those targeted and ensures EU-wide protection against vexatious lawsuits against public participation.  

Recent amendments to the Criminal Code in North Macedonia, was marked as a positive step towards better protection of journalists, by empowering the Prosecutor's Office to initiate criminal prosecutions on their behalf, thus relieving them of the burden of initiating private criminal proceedings. However, challenges remain, particularly with the rise of SLAPP suits in civil litigation. Typically brought by politicians, business magnates, and public figures, these lawsuits serve to stifle journalism through financial and legal pressure. Not only do they devalue journalistic work, but they also risk censoring vital public information, violating the fundamental right of citizens to be informed.

The local implementation of European recommendations and standards was also discussed, with the participants focusing on the initiative to introduce a National Action Plan for the Protection and Safety of Journalists, while at the same time stressing the importance of strengthening partnerships with civil society in advancing freedom of expression and media freedom.

The thematic discussion also highlighted the Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists, an initiative aimed at promoting press freedom and protecting journalists from violence, threats, and harassment while performing their duties.

This event was organised in the framework of the action “Protecting freedom of expression and of the media in North Macedonia” PRO-FREX, part of the EU and Council of Europe joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye” in co-operation, with Association of Journalists of Macedonia.


