Geri Ensuring quality education for all

Western Balkans April - June 2024
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Ensuring quality education for all

The programme has been supporting authorities, civil society organisations, schools, students, their parents, and broader local communities in achieving better education for all. The actions engaged in the field of education have been working on having schools free from discrimination, nurturing inclusive and supportive environment, where democratic culture and education for democratic citizenship are valued by everybody.

40 primary and secondary teachers from across Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in the capacity building sessions focused on the understanding and development of democratic values in the school environment. They have been equipped with methodological knowledge, practical tools, and concrete examples on how to successfully implement the Reference Framework of the Competences for Democratic Culture in their classrooms.

Two schools from Serbia (mentor school for democratic culture “Veljko Dugosevic” from Turija, and their mentees, elementary school “Slobodan Jovic” from Voluja) marked the Day of Education for Democratic culture in Kaona. The goal of the day was to bring students, local community, and parents together and show the importance of fostering democratic school culture, promoting cultural diversity, tolerance, and understanding.

A workshop focusing on the potential for and challenges in integrating artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, into higher education was held in Montenegro in May. This event explored the ethical considerations, practical applications, and policy development, necessary for responsibly harnessing AI's power in academic settings. It was co-organised with the U.S. Embassy, Montenegro - Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, with a strong partnership with the University of Montenegro.

The award ceremony for the podcast contest, organised in co-operation with the Ministry of National Education, was held in Türkiye. The contest is important to ensure child participation and to provide space and enabling environment for children to raise their voices. The awarded podcasts are presenting discussions and stories on various domains of the digital citizenship education such as being online, ethics and empathy, health and wellbeing, and consumer awareness.