Geri City of Novi Pazar organised a special session of citizens with the Mayor within Dialogue Café

City of Novi Pazar organised a special session of citizens with the Mayor within Dialogue Café

City of Novi Pazar has recently finalised a six-months long “Dialogue café - meeting point” project which was financially supported within the joint action of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Promotion of diversity and equality in Serbia”. Dialogue Café was opened in 2015 as a part of a global Dialogue Café network which connects numerous cities worldwide such as Lisbon, Amsterdam, Rio de Janeiro etc. This Café is located in the Youth Centre “Duga (eng. Rainbow)”, a local public institution. Key project objective was to contribute to enhancing dialogue between different actors in local community as well as promoting peace, tolerance and intercultural dialogue in the conditions of COVID-19 pandemics.

On the other hand, project contributed to improving transparency of local self-government's work through weekly and monthly sessions of citizens with representatives of local self-government. Transparency was one of sessions' topics in which participated Head of Information Department, Hana Salihagic, and co-ordinator of Dialogue Café programme, Fatima Durovic. Additionally, a variety of other topics, such as ecology, promotion and protection of cultural heritage, education etc were discussed during special sessions.

International Youth Day served as an opportunity to draw attention to the issues of youth around the world, thus a special national session and national reception of the youth team of Dialogue Café was also organised. Additional programme included a concert of classical music by students of the Music School “Stevan Mokranjac” from Novi Pazar, a performance by the youth choir “A Cappella” as well as a performance of young reciters and orators.

Generally speaking, youth demonstrated the highest level of interest to participate in Dialogue Cafe activities. Fifteen of them had a chance to talk with the Mayor of Novi Pazar on sports, culture and arts within one of online sessions. In an interview given to the local TV, the Mayor, Nihat Bisevac, mentioned that they heard a lot of good ideas and proposals during this conversation. In his opinion “youth are always those who have the greatest energy, who have a desire and strength for change, who have an enthusiasm and are always a driving force in every local self-government“.

Project team emphasised that sessions of Novi Pazar citizens with the Mayor will be integrated into 2022 Dialogue Caffe Annual work plan as an example of good practice.

Novi Pazar 3 December 2021
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