Geri Advancing Albania’s Reform Agenda, in line with European values: Human Rights and Democracy in the Spotlight

TIRANA 24 September 2024
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Advancing Albania’s Reform Agenda, in line with European values:  Human Rights and Democracy in the Spotlight

The programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”, a core co-operation initiative of the European Union and Council of Europe, is a fundamental instrument in the hands of the public authorities in Albania to bring forward protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, in line with European standards and values. This was highlighted during its annual Steering Committee Meeting that took place today in Tirana with the participation of key beneficiaries, partners and representatives from the European Union and Council of Europe.

Megi Fino, Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, welcomed the event stressing the importance of this continued strategic partnership between Albania, the European Union and the Council of Europe to support public actors in the efforts to meet the reform agendas in the fields of human rights, rule of law and democracy, and to comply with European standards, a priority for the EU enlargement process. “Our partnership is not only about the assistance provided in terms of legal framework policies, but also about the values ​​and standards we strive to fulfil as we work towards a fairer and more inclusive society”, stressed Fino.

Schnutz Dürr, Head of Programming Department, Directorate of Programme Co-ordination in the Council of Europe in his address focused on the main achievements of the programme to bring forward the reforms in the field of justice, fighting corruption, anti-discrimination and freedom of expression. “Our commitment is to continue promoting common core values and European standards, upon which the programme is based and supporting Albania in advancing the reform process.”, said Dürr.


Hubert Perr, Head of Cooperation, European Union Delegation to Albania in his remarks stated that: “The Horizontal Facility is a crucial tool for Albanian stakeholders to achieve European Standards in areas such as justice, rule of law, anti-money laundering and anti-corruption, anti-discrimination and freedom of expression. This full room of distinguished guests today is a demonstration of the benefit of the facility, which lies in its regional and bottom-up approach. Albanian institutions can count on the facility when proposing and working on proposed reforms. The EU would like to commend the Council of Europe for the excellent cooperation during the implementation of the facility.

High representatives of public institutions in Albania, civil society and experts in the field, discussed the main achievements of the programme and the necessity to advance these reforms, in line with relevant Council of Europe monitoring and advisory bodies’ recommendations.

They focused on key results such as the finalisation of the National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment. This document will serve as the basis for the 3-year Action Plan on the fight against Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism in Albania.

In the efforts to strengthen the efficiency and quality of justice, the assistance provided to the School of Magistrates and the National Mediation Chamber of Albania proved to be essential for increasing transparency and improve the quality of justice services for Albanian citizens, in accordance with CEPEJ tools.

In the field of prisoners’ rights protection, progress was marked in regard to the adaptation of the principles of trauma-informed practice and emotional recovery through Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

The participants also valued the awareness raising initiatives to promote diversity and equality in Albania, and in addition stressed the necessity of the work conducted in co-operation with Albanian State Police to combat discrimination and ensure protection of the rights of the LGBTI community. Participants exchanged on the continuous provided assistance to inform Albanian property holders seeking clarifications on land registration and transitory ownership processes. In this context, a crucial aspect is the determination to incorporate a gender perspective to address the unique challenges and barriers faced respectively by women and men in accessing and enforcing property rights in Albania.


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The joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye” (Horizontal Facility III) is a co-operation initiative, running from 2023 until 2026. It enables the Beneficiaries to meet their reform agendas in the fields of human rights, rule of law and democracy and to comply with European standards, which is also a priority for the EU enlargement process. The current, third phase of the programme, is worth €41 million (85% funded by the European Union, 15% by the Council of Europe). The budgetary envelope for the implementation of six actions in Albania is €4.8 million and covers these actions:


Photos from the event

For more information, please contact:

Besnik Baka, Communication Officer, Horizontal Facility III, +355 69 21 78 430
Dušan Vojnović, Media Officer, Council of Europe, +33 (0)3 90 21 56 9