After the success of the three HELP courses on anti-discrimination with lawyers and legal professionals and one HELP course on anti-discrimination with the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors in both phases, the joint EU and Council of Europe Action Combating Hatred and Intolerance in North Macedonia in co-operation with HELP in the Western Balkans and the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors implemented another cycle of the HELP course on anti-discrimination with the new 8th generation trainees of the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors. 96 participants successfully completed the course.
Investigating and processing anti-discrimination cases is essential for protection of human rights and equality and is one of the most important tools for combating discrimination, and this is especially significant when it comes to the judiciary protection of victims of discrimination. The new generation of trainees of the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors now have a clearer knowledge of the basic concepts of combating and recognizing discrimination, as well as the legal framework in North Macedonia and international standards, including the standards of the Council of Europe.
The HELP course on anti-discrimination was for the first time translated and adapted in Macedonian language in early 2021, and so far, through the previous and current phase of the Action, 120 lawyers and legal professionals successfully completed the course, and 158 trainees of the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors successfully completed the course.
With the aim to strengthen and harmonise the knowledge of relevant European standards regarding anti-discrimination, the HELP online course provides a detailed, yet easily accessible, educational resource for legal (and other) professionals.
The free HELP online course is available in the HELP online platform in several languages, including English and Macedonian.
The implementation of the HELP online course on Anti-Discrimination is a joint activity of the action "Combating Hatred and Intolerance in North Macedonia" within the joint EU and Council of Europe Programme “Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Türkiye III” and HELP in the Western Balkans in cooperation with the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors.