Борбор Азиядагы Укук Үстөмдүгү Программасы Европа Кеңешинин Тажикстандын катышуусу менен биринчи ири кызматташтык инструменти.

Back Tajikistan: awareness raising webinars on ethics, anti-corruption compliance, risk management and anti-bribery for business entities

Tajikistan: awareness raising webinars on ethics, anti-corruption compliance, risk management and anti-bribery for business entities

Three seminars on ethics, anti-corruption compliance, risk management and anti-bribery were held online from 24 to 30 June 2022.


The webinars aimed at raising the awareness of representatives of business entities of Tajikistan (small and medium enterprises) on international standards and good practices in the field of corporate governance, with emphasis on promoting integrity and ethical behavior, implementing anti-corruption tools and policies, anti-bribery and risk management procedures.


These online activities brought together about 50 participants representing not only private companies and their associations, but also the public sector which regulates the business in Tajikistan. While learning more about international standards and implementation practices, the participants had an opportunity to look into cooperation mechanisms between state authorities and private sector.


The events also allowed the national counterparts to discuss improvements of the existing national anti-corruption framework in respect to the private and business sector compliance.


More information available at: Awareness raising events on ethics, anti-corruption compliance, risk management and anti-bribery for representatives of Tajikistan’s business entities - Newsroom (coe.int)


The webinars were organised in the framework of the Action “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2023, which is a joint initiative co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Online 24-30 June 2022
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