Европа менен Борбор Азиянын ортосунда жалпы укуктуу чөйрөнү түзүүгө көмөктөшүү жана адам укуктарын коргоону бекемдөө.
Европанын (континент) жана Борбор Азиянын мыйзам системасы тарыхый жактан караганда түпкү тамыры бир болгондуктан азыркы учуруда көп жактары окшош. Бул бөлүктүн стратегиялык максаты -Европа менен Борбор Азиянын ортосунда Европа жана эл аралык стандарттарга ылайык жалпы укуктуу чөйрө түзүү ишин баштоо. Бул бөлүк эки кошумча бөлүктөн турат: Европа Кеңешинин конвенциялары (жоболору) тууралуу маалымдуулугун жогорулатуу жана билим аркылуу адам укуктарын коргоону бекемдөө. Экинчи бөлүк Европа Кеңешинин юрист кесиби үчүн адам укуктарын боюнча билим алуу программасынын (HELP) алкагында жүзөгө ашат.
Европа Кеңешинин Конвенциялары жалпы Европа жана башка жакта дагы адам укуктарын, демократияны жана укук үстөмдүгүн бекемдей турган жалпы укуктуу чөйрөнү бекемдөөдө негизги багыттооч болуп эсептелет. Ошол себептен Борбор Азиядагы жарандык коомдо жана улуттук бийлик арасында конвенция системасынын толук түшүнүгүн жана натыйжалуу өздөштүрүүсүн илгерлетүү маанилүү. Аталган бөлүктүн алкагында жана ар бир өнөктөштүн муктаждыктарына жана артыкчылыктарына жараша төмөнкү иш-чаралар аймактык жана улуттук деңгээлде уюштурулат:
- Мыйзамдык базаны жалпы кароо жана ага баа берүү;
- Сунуштамаларды жана басылмаларды даярдоо;
- Тажрыйба алмашуу, конференциялар, семинарлар, иштөө топтор, ж.б.
Closing Regional Conference of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2024
On 11 June 2024, the joint EU/Council of Europe Central Asia Rule of Law Programme organised its Closing Regional Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan. The aim of the meeting was to take stock of the programme results and lessons learned during its implementation years from 2020 to 2024. Central...
Spring School on “Human Rights and Environment” for law students from the Central Asia region
On 14-18 May 2024, the Council of Europe, in co-operation with the Human Rights Commission under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organised a Spring school on human rights and environment for law students from the Central Asia region, attended by 41 law. They come from 14 different...
Visit of representatives of the Supreme Court and of the Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A delegation of representatives of the Supreme Court and Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan visited the Council of Europe Headquarters in Strasbourg (France) to strengthen co-operation in support of national efforts to reform the judicial system, in the areas of expertise of...
Кыргыз Республикасы соттолгондорду өткөрүп берүү боюнча Конвенцияга кошулду
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Representatives of Tajikistan participated in a seminar on Council of Europe Conventions
Representatives of various Tajik institutions have participated in the Seminar on Council of Europe Conventions at the Council of Europe Headquarters in Strasbourg (France) on 19-21 September 2023. The delegation was composed of representatives of the Executive Office, Ministry of Justice,...
Kazakhstan: discussions with national authorities on recommendations for improving domestic violence legislation
On 1-2 February 2023, a set of recommendations drawing on the provisions of the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) was presented to representatives of several governmental bodies and public institutions of Kazakhstan. The...
Turkmenistan: visit to agree on Programme’s activities for 2023
From 13 to 15 December 2022, a Council of Europe delegation visited Turkmenistan in the framework of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme. The visit aimed at conducting a range of meetings with national authorities and international partners in the country active in the areas covered by the...
Kazakhstan: roundtable discussion on domestic violence and violence against women
A round table to discuss draft amendments to several national legislative acts relating to domestic violence and violence against women was held on 9 December 2022 in Astana. The event was co-organised by the Council of Europe, the UN Women and the Commissioner for Human Rights of Kazakhstan. The...
Uzbekistan: Seminars for judges and lawyers on judicial independence and data protection
A group of 35 Uzbek lawyers participated in a seminar on “Data protection and privacy” which took place in Tashkent on 7th November 2022. This event was followed by a seminar attended by 37 judges dedicated to the “Independence of judges in light of the European standards” on 9 November 2022....
Uzbekistan: Conference on the prospects of development of the bar
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Visit of national consultants of Central Asia Rule of Law Programme to Strasbourg
On 28 June-1 July, five local long-term consultants supporting the implementation of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme respectively in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan visited the Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg, France. The consultants...
Rule of Law: further prospects of co-operation in Kyrgyzstan
On 23 June 2022, the fundamental principles of the rule of law in the light of ongoing legal and institutional reforms in Kyrgyzstan were discussed during a round table organised in Bishkek in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Diplomatic Academy of...
Seminar for representatives of Kazakhstan - raising awareness on Council of Europe conventions
On 23-25 May 2022, representatives of public authorities of Kazakhstan expanded their knowledge on the Council of Europe conventions system during a 3-day training seminar in Strasbourg (France) in the Council of Europe headquarters. The visit was organised in the framework of the Action...
Exchanging on priorities of actions of the Programme in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
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TENDER: Consultant support in the implementation of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme
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European Union and Council of Europe reiterate their continued support to reforms to ensure human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Central Asia
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European Union and Council of Europe present the state of implementation of their joint programme in Central Asia to support human rights, democracy and the rule of law
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Discussion on the modalities of co-operation with Turkmenistan within the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme
On 5 May 2020 a co-ordination meeting between the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme and representatives of Turkmen authorities was organised online. Officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan as well as representatives of the EU Delegation...
Launch of the EU/CoE Central Asia Rule of Law Programme
The Council of Europe and the European Union officially launched a regional joint programme in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) on 28 November 2019 at the occasion of the EU Regional Conference on Enhanced Integration for Prosperity in Central Asia....