Strengthening the independence and efficiency of justice

Specific objective 1: strengthen the independence and efficiency of the judiciary.


  • Increase in the degree of compliance of national legislations and regulations concerning the composition, role and mandate of self-governing bodies, in corresponding target countries, with European standards and Council of Europe recommendations.
  • Improved training methodology and curricula of judicial training institutions in corresponding target countries.
  • Improved time management and decrease in volume of court backlogs; strengthened national capacity to assess the performance of court systems in corresponding target countries.   


Specific objective 2: strengthen the role of courts in delivering user-oriented justice.

Indicator: enhanced quality of judicial services in line with European standards through the practical application of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice tools in corresponding target countries.


Specific objective 3: improve the quality of the profession of lawyer (advocate).


  • Increased compliance of national legislations and regulations concerning the mandate and functioning of Bar Associations, in corresponding target countries, with European standards and Council of Europe recommendations.
  • Training institutions in corresponding target countries put in place a short-term and long-term strategy of development, a developed system of course accreditation, and coherent and comprehensive training programmes with coherent teaching methodology.