UNIQUE Learning Badges

Developed by: A European partnership of organisations: Association of Non-formal Education in Lithuania, Tipovej! (Slovenia), GOEUROPE! at.lkj) Sachen-Anhalt (Germany), Cazalla Intercultural (Spain), Inducar (Portugal), Think Forward (United Kingdom)

Type of the tool/practice: Self-assessment tool, Assessment tool, Certificate/Attestation, Portfolio, Website/Platform/Blog

Recognition dimensions addressed by the tool/practices: Self-recognition, Formal recognition

Level of influence of your tool/practice: Organisational, National, Internatio

Target group(s) for the tool/practice:
Any learner from 13 years of age and above. Youth work organisations. Youth workers and any educators willing to improve their recognition practices.

Short description:
UNIQUE Learning Badges is inspired by the developments of Mozilla Open Badges and driven by the need to better recognise the non-formal learning of young people. Young people learn a lot through youth work activities but they find it quite difficult to name what they learn and explain this to others. Thus a European Partnerships was formed to create the UNIQUE Learning Badges platform which enables any organisation to design their unique recognition system and use Open Badges to reward learning and achievements.

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Contact details:
Contact person: Nerijus Kriauciunas, e-mail: [email protected]

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