Back Desk research on social impact tools and resources

The key idea behind this desk analysis is to map and analyse the existing material, resources and tools within five pillars.

  • 1. Civic engagement: aiming to identify how learning mobility develops democratic capacities, civic and political participation and creates European identities among young people and the communities to which they belong.
  • 2. Quality: aiming to identify learning mobility quality standards through outcomes, impacts and best practices.
  • 3. Competencies: making it possible to identify which competencies the programmes develop in young people, what training and guidelines are available to teachers to transfer to users and how these competencies affect individual paths and the communities in which young people live.
  • 4. Social impact: the approach to impact here is twofold – through the changes that take place at the individual level, in such a way that individual changes cumulatively combine to effect social change, and the spill-over of these impacts to other members of society, where new knowledge, opinions and values start to be shared with peers and other members of the community.
  • 5. Youth policy: aiming to recognise the key aspects in which the policy has been developed as well as the gaps to be filled.

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