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Bjørnavold, Jens (1997): Identification and Validation of Prior and Non-Formal Learning.
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Thessaloniki.
Du Bois-Reymond, Manuela (2003): Study on the links between formal and non-formal education.
Council of Europe Publications, Strasbourg.
Chisholm, Lynne (2005): Recognising non-formal & informal learning in the youth sector – terminology cheat sheet.
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften, Innsbruck.
Chisholm, Lynne and Hoskins, Bryony with Glahn, Christian (eds) (2005): Trading up – Potential and performance in non-formal learning.
Council of Europe Publications, Strasbourg.
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Clarijs, René (2005): Non-formal and informal education in Europe.
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Colardyn, Danielle and Bjørnåvold, Jens (2004): Validation of formal, non-formal and informal learning: policy and practices in EU member states.
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Colardyn, Danielle and Bjørnåvold, Jens (2005): The learning continuity: European inventory on validating non-formal and informal learning.
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Lifelong Learning Institute, Leeds.
Colley, Hellen, Hodkinson, Phil and Malcom, Janice (2003): Informality and formality in learning.
Learning & Skills Research Centre, London.
Coombs, Philip and Ahmed, Manzoor (1974) Attacking rural poverty: how non-formal education can help.
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Coombs, Philip (1976): Nonformal education: myths, realities and opportunities.
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Council of Europe (1998): 25 years of youth policy in the Council of Europe: Taking stock and looking ahead.
Bucharest, 27.04.1998.
Council of Europe (1998): Declaration of the 5th Conference of Ministers responsible for youth. Young people: active citizens in a future Europe. Human Rights - Participation - Solidarity.
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Council of Europe (2001): Symposium on non-formal education. Part 1 / Part 2
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Council of Europe (2002): Declaration of the 6th Conference of Ministers responsible for youth.
Youth constructing Europe. Thessaloniki, 09.11.2002.
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Council of Europe (2008): Declaration of the 8th Conference of Ministers responsible for youth. The future of the Council of Europe youth policy: Agenda 2020.
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Council of Europe and European Commission (2006): Coyote 11 – Non-formal learning and education.
Council of the European Union (2004): Council resolution on common European principles for the identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning.
Brussels, 18.05.2004.
Council of the European Union (2005): Council resolution on addressing the concerns of young people in Europe — implementing the European Pact for Youth and promoting active citizenship.
Brussels, 24.11.2005.
Council of the European Union (2006): Council resolution on the recognition of the value of non-formal and informal learning within the European youth field.
Brussels, 20.7.2006.
Council of the European Union (2009): Council resolution on a renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-2018).
Brussels, 06.11.2009.