European Portfolio for Youth Leaders and Youth Workers

Developed by: Council of Europe in cooperation with experts and partners such as the European Commission and the European Youth Forum

Type of the tool/practice: Self-assessment tool, Publication/Handbook, Portfolio, Website/Platform/Blog

Recognition dimensions addressed by the tool/practices: Self-recognition, Social recognition, Political recognition

Level of influence of your tool/practice: Organisational, Local/Regional, National, International

Target group(s) for the tool/practice:
The primary target group for the Portfolio are youth workers and youth leaders. In addition to them, on a political level, the target group are all the representatives of the European Steering Committee on Youth, as they have a mandate to promote the tool nationally. So, target groups are also policy makers on the national level, as well as on the European level.

Short description:
The Portfolio is a tool developed for intercultural youth work, based on the values and principles of the Council of Europe. It is a tool through which youth workers, volunteers or professionals, can identify, assess and describe their competencies based on European quality standards and set learning and professional development goals.

Learn more about this tool

Contact details:
Contact person: Mara Georgescu, e-mail: [email protected]

Links and references: 
Please note also that the tool has been translated in several languages.

Additional material to download:

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