Back T-Kit 12: Youth transforming conflict

Many youth organisations and youth work services work actively and focus on dealing with conflicts of different kinds. If youth work may not be the place for high-level negotiations, it makes a contribution to conflict transformation, notably through its educational effects. Nevertheless, these often lack resources, relevant information and methods for their daily educational work.

The aim of this T-Kit is not to reinvent the wheel or to develop new theories. Being initiated at the request of youth organisations and youth workers active in the field, it focuses on the main problematic themes that represent conflict potential and that are present as conflict issues in the lives of young people. To this end, this T-Kit attempts to compile well-known ideas about conflict and specific experiences of youth workers in the field, proposing activities that offer the opportunity to practise and transmit skills and knowledge in relation to conflict transformation.

This T-Kit represents an added value to the field of conflict transformation and to the youth field in that it attempts to start from what young people have already done and are doing on conflict transformation, in the local, national and international settings where they experience conflict. It also represents an attempt to consider these realities in the elaboration of youth policies based on research evidence about the real situation of young people, and aims at presenting an integrated approach to conflict transformation by looking at different schools of thought, different practices.

All in all, this resource seeks to provide support to youth workers directly working with young people on conflict or in conflict, to youth leaders active in youth NGOs and to trainers and facilitators requiring methodological advice for their educational work with young people. It might also be of interest to youth policy makers and researchers working on this specific issue, looking for good practices or specific examples of youth work in relation to conflict.