Back Education and career paths of youth workers in Europe - UNDER 30' EPISODE 1

In 2017, the youth partnership initiated the research project on educational and career paths of youth workers in Europe. After three years, a lot of materials were collected and recently the youth partnership has published a book within its Youth Knowledge Book series called "Youth worker education in Europe".

In this podcast, we are talking about the research and the book together with Tanya Basarab from the youth partnership and Ewa Krzaklewska - a sociologist and a researcher working as an assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, in Poland. Both Tanya and Ewa are the editors of the book, together with Marti Taru.

We are also joined by Ajša Hadžibegović, a youth worker and a trainer who is one of the people responsible to translate the material collected throughout the project into a more accessible format.

Host: Dariusz Grzemny

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