Yatay Destek programı kapsamında aynı zamanda yolsuzluk, ekonomik suçlar, kara para aklama ve terörizmin finansmanı ile mücadelenin yanı sıra siyasi partilerin finansmanının şeffaflığı, mal beyanı sistemleri, ulusal risk değerlendirmeleri ve mali istihbarat birimlerinin kapasitesinin güçlendirilmesi konularını içeren çevresel suçlarla mücadele hedeflenmektedir.

Geri Call for tenders: purchase of international consultancy services supporting the authorities of North Macedonia in developing solutions to address illicit enrichment

photo: Shutterstock

photo: Shutterstock

Within the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, the Economic Crime and Co-operation Division (ECCD) of the Council of Europe is currently implementing the “Action against economic crime in North Macedonia”.

In this context, the Economic Crime and Co-operation Division seeks to identify one international consultant who, jointly with another national consultant would undertake to develop key options and provide recommendations for setting up a comprehensive system to address illicit enrichment.

The deadline for the submission of tenders is 28 February 2021. Tenders should be submitted (with attachments) by e-mail only to the following address: [email protected]

North Macedonia 18 February 2021
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