Geri Training for lawyers in Serbia on freedom of expression

Training for lawyers in Serbia on freedom of expression

Training for lawyers on freedom of expression and the media has been organised on 26-27 April 2021, under the joint European Union/Council of Europe action “Freedom of expression and freedom of the media in Serbia (JUFREX 2)” and in co-operation with the Bar Association of Serbia.

Trainings organised in the framework of the action contribute to raising of awareness and knowledge of lawyers on the European Convention on Human Rights and the European standards in this field, which they can apply in their everyday work. Training covered many topics including concept of freedom of expression, national and international legal frameworks for its protection, presumption of innocence, defamation, Internet and safety of journalists. Special attention was devoted to gender aspects and gender-sensitive measures for the protection of women journalists.

Training was based on the methodology and freedom of expression training materials developed in the framework of JUFREX action and delivered by the national and international JUFREX trainers, certified in freedom of expression.

The action “Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media in Serbia (JUFREX 2)” is part of the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022".

Belgrade 26-27 April 2021
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