The second Workshop on Qualification Standards was held 6-7 March 2014 in Teslić. A presentation was given on the relationship between 'external reference points' and the successive 'cascade' of different descriptors that existed, and the place of 'Qualification Standards' in this system. The EU background facts on unemployment; the global increase in qualifications frameworks and their purposes; the role of the nature and role of the 'Dublin descriptors'; the role of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), were discussed on this session. Following the presentation on unemployment a number of questions were discussed, including:
- The links between economic development and educational reforms;
- That the USA had an excellent educational system without a qualifications framework;
- The need to include a 'humanistic' element in educational reform.
The work of the second workshop was focused on Learning Outcomes. Main points highlighted: the difficulties in writing them well and the need for intensive staff development for this; the essential link between learning outcomes and the need for more varied types and modes of assessment; the role and importance of 'transferable skills'; and some useful sources of subject standards with specific examples (good and bad). On the workshop it was outlined how to write good learning outcomes with appropriate active verbs, a clear subject, and modality. It is important to distinguish between levels (BA, MA, PhD) as well. The working groups gave feedback on the minimal elements they considered necessary for Qualifications Standards.
- Agenda EN - BHS
- Presentations and useful materials
- Mile Dželalija, Level Descriptors, 6-7 March 2014
- Mile Dželalija, Learning outcomes, 6-7 March 2014
- Declan Kennedy, Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: a Practical Guide
- Stephen Adam, Learning Outcomes
- Stephen Adam, Descriptors
- Volker Gehmlich, Learning Outcomes
- 1st working task
- 2nd working task
- A document outlining the minimum contents for Qualifications Standards’
- Working group task after the Workshop
- Presentation of results from Working Groups
- Agriculture and food processing / Poljoprivreda i obrada hrane
- Economy / Ekonomija
- Engineering /Inžinjerstvo
- Teacher Education / Obrazovanje nastavnika
- Conclusions EN - BHS