Qualification Standards Working Group, composed of representatives of all public universities in BiH and 2 private universities (around 100 working groups members in total) met for the first time on 18-19 December 2013 in Sarajevo to start the process of developing qualification standards in 5 subject fields.
The 1st Workshop provided the introduction and overview of the component 2 of the joint EU/CoE project, its broader context and links with other initiatives in the implementation of QF BiH, European trends and developments in qualification frameworks, learning outcomes, ECTS; it also provided the working groups with concepts of qualification standards and occupational standards and presented the work plan for the work of the working group within the project. The individual groups will meet separately and work on the specific tasks before the next joint meeting of all 5 working groups in March.
The Workshop was moderated by 3 international experts: Mr. Mile Dzelalija, Mr. Stephen Adam and Mr Volker Gehmlich. These experts will lead and provide support to the working groups in their work within the joint project.
- Agenda EN - BHS
- Presentations and useful materials:
- Working group task after the workshop
- Stephen Adam, Curriculum Development Good Practice Guide
- Mile Dželalija, The Baseline of the QF in BiH, Action Plan for Development and Implementation of the QFBiH, Self-certification and Referencing
Haris Muhić, TEMPUS project "Bosnia and Herzegovina Qualification Framework for Higher Education" - Nedim Vrabac, Joint EU/CoE Project "Strategic Development of Higher Education and Qualifications Standards"
- Conclusions EN - BHS