Capacity building for further development and use of Qualification Standards and Occupational Standards in BiH
Main activities with in this component:
- Facilitate the development of training for the further development and use of qualification standards (QS) and occupational standards (OS).
- Organise training for future trainers in the responsible institutions.
- Develop recommendations for the further development/implementation of the BiH Qualification Framework (QF).
- Submit recommendations to the Ministry of Civil Affairs for further action.
- Publish recommendations and training material for further use across the country and ensure a broad dissemination to all concerned institutions and partners.
Expected outcome:
- A comprehensive training module for the further development and use of qualification standards and occupational standards is available.
- The 20 trainers trained regarding the further development and use of qualification standards and occupational standards. Certificates for trainers awarded upon testing.
- The recommendations for the further development/implementation of the BiH Qualification Framework are submitted to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
- The training material and the recommendations for the further development/implementation of the BiH Qualification Framework are published for further use by/disseminated to all concerned institutions and partners.
The successful elaboration of qualifications and occupational standards (Component 2) is a precondition to the elaboration of guidelines for the further development and use of qualification standards in BiH (Component 3) and for the corresponding training activities (Component 4).
The identification of subject fields and corresponding Higher Education (HE) qualifications for developing occupational standards aims at fields with different characteristics (e.g. health, economics, maths, law, teacher training/foreign languages), ensure that social partners are willing to participate in each chosen field.
They should further take due account of the subject fields chosen for piloting the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in BiH in SHE III (Engineering, English Language Teaching and Economics) and the subject fields chosen by the EU-VET IV project for secondary & post-secondary education (agriculture and food production).