Indietro Further improvements to prison hospital services in Armenia

Further improvements to prison hospital services in Armenia

A detailed overview of the assessment and a list of recommendations for the improvement of prison hospital services in Armenia were discussed at a roundtable that took place on 30 May 2018 in Yerevan.

The roundtable brought together Council of Europe (CoE) consultants and 29 representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Penitentiary Department, Ministry of Health, Ombudsman Office, as well as members of Public Monitoring Group, and civil society acting in Armenia. The Deputy Minister of Justice presented shortly the recent reforms carried out by the Ministry of Justice in the field of prison primary health care and emphasized that as a result of the ongoing reforms, polyclinic services in penitentiary institutions will provide the same level of services as in civilian health care facilities.

CoE international consultants presented the key problems identified and main solutions suggested from the viewpoint of CoE and other international standards, while local experts provided a legal analysis of the current healthcare regulations and public healthcare implications, supported by statistical data received from the penitentiary authorities. The presentation was followed by a discussion on the findings, existing legislative gaps and further recommendations, some of which will be reflected in the final Report submitted to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia.

The roundtable was organised within the Project on “Strengthening healthcare and human rights protection in prisons in Armenia”, funded under EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance framework.

Yerevan 4 June 2018
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