Strengthening the implementation of European human rights standards
Specific objective 1: support the alignment of human rights policies and practice by ensuring compliance of legislative and regulatory frameworks with European standards and capacity-building for legal professionals and National Human Rights Institutions, including the reinforcement of Ombudsmen Offices
- relevant national legislation is in place and/or amended in line with European human rights standards (criminal justice, social rights, non-discrimination, data protection, social rights).
- institutional mechanisms and structures are in place and/or operational (e.g. Human Rights Centres, Focal Points and mechanisms as required by conventions, institutionalised consultation procedures).
- relevant professional groups have knowledge about human rights standards and are able to apply them in their work.
- relevant national training organisations have strengthened capacity to continuously and sustainably train their target groups on human rights standards.
- interaction between civil society and authorities in the democratic decision-making process is reinforced.
- national parliaments have increased awareness of the necessity to revise national legislation and bring it in line with the European Social Charter (revised) as ratified by their country.
Specific objective 2: support the full execution of the European Court of Human Rights judgments through reinforcement of parliamentary involvement
- increased awareness of members of parliaments in the EaP countries’ on the existing parliamentary mechanisms to ensure execution of European Court of Human Rights judgments.
- increased compliance of the national legal framework with the European Convention of Human Rights and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
- parliamentary committees’ staffs have better capability to assist MPs in ensuring compatibility of national legislation with the ECHR and compliance with European Court of Human Rights case-law.
Further information
Guide on Article 5 of the Convention - Right to liberty and security (in Azerbaijani)
CoE Human rights guidelines for Internet service providers (in Romanian)
Manual on Admissibility of Evidence for Armenian Prosecutors (in Armenian)
Pretrial detention and related investigatory issues (in Armenian)
Investigations involving vulnerable victim/witnesses and suspects (in Armenian)