News Promoting Penitentiary Reforms (from a punitive to a rehabilitative approach)
Further improvements to prison hospital services in Armenia
A detailed overview of the assessment and a list of recommendations for the improvement of prison hospital services in Armenia were discussed at a roundtable that took place on 30 May 2018 in Yerevan. The roundtable brought together Council of Europe (CoE) consultants and 29 representatives of...
A stocktaking conference on the project to support penitentiary reform in Ukraine
The project stocktaking conference was held in Kyiv on 16 November 2017 to inform all stakeholders about the progress made since 2015 and to share the plans for 2018. The members of the Project Co-ordination Committee - Mr Iurii Miroshnychenko, MP, and the Deputy Minister of Justice, Mr Denys...
Criminal justice and drug policy conference in Chisinau
Delegates at the international conference on ‘Rehabilitative approaches to drug dependent prisoners’, held in Chisinau, 29-30 November 2017, called for a deepening of professional exchanges in the field of drug dependence treatment and prevention in prisons. More than 100 prison managers, policy...
First prison-based therapeutic community in Republic of Moldova
The first prison-based therapeutic community in Pruncul prison in the Republic of Moldova was opened on 29 November 2017. “This ambitious and noble project will be a further successful and much needed drug dependence treatment programme in the Moldovan prison system”, said the Moldovan Deputy...
პირველად საქართველოში სასწავლო პროგრამა ფსიქიატიული ექთნებისთვის
ევროპის საბჭო და ევროკავშირი განაგრძობენ საქართველოს სასჯელაღსრულებისა და პრობაციის სამინისტროს დახმარებას პენიტენციურ სისტემაში მომუშავე ფსიქიატრიული ექთნების გადასამზადებაში ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის საკითხებზე. ამა წლის ივნისი-ივლისის განმავლობაში 15 ფსიქიატრიული ექთანი გადამზადდა ევროპის საბჭოს...
Presentation of the Prison Management Manual
The Council of Europe presented the Prison Management Manual (the Manual), developed under the project “Support for penitentiary reform in Ukraine”, in Chernihiv, at the Chernihiv Penitentiary Academy and in Bila Tserkva, at the Penitentiary In-Service Training Centre on 10 and 11 May 2017. The...
Study Visit to the Danish Prison and Probation Service
A study visit to Copenhagen, Denmark for representatives from the Ministry of Justice, Penitentiary Department of the Ministry of Justice, Human Rights Defender’s Office of the Republic of Armenia and "Social justice" NGO took place on 27-30 June 2017. The Armenian delegation visited the...
სუიციდის პრევენცია სასჯელაღსრულების სისტემაში
ევროპის საბჭო და ევროკავშირი აგრძელებენ მუშაობას საქართველოს სასჯელაღსრულების დაწესებულებებში ფსიქოლოგთა, ფსიქიატრთა და სოციალურ მუშაკთა შესაძლებლობების გაუმჯობესების კუთხით, ციხეებში სუიციდის პრევენციის პროგრამის (სპპ) უკეთ ადმინისტრირებისათვის. ამ მხარდაჭერის ნაწილია დაკვირვება სუიციდის...
Training on managing prisoners with mental health problems
The Council of Europe and the European Union organised 1-day training sessions for 7 groups of medical and non-medical personnel of the penitentiary system, on managing prisoners with mental health problems, between 26 June and 3 July 2017. In total, up to 158 participants from different prisons...
Training of prison psychologists
Training for fifteen prison psychologists, including eight women, from eleven penitentiary institutions in Armenia was held from 21 to 24 June 2017 in Yerevan, in cooperation with the RA Ministry of Justice and the Association of Psychoanalysts of Armenia. The aim of the training was to...
Roundtable on prison healthcare legislation in Armenia
A roundtable to present and discuss the legislative package on prison healthcare in Armenia took place on 23 June 2017, in Yerevan bringing together fifteen high-level representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Penitentiary Department, Ministry of Health, Ombudsman Office and members of Public...
New action plan to fight against ill-treatment
The Council of Europe Office in Georgia and the European Union Delegation are assisting the Georgian Government in assessing the implementation of the current action plan to fight against ill-treatment and review of the new draft for 2017-2018 prepared by the stakeholders. During a half-day...
Supporting professional development of temporary detention isolator staff
The Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Union (EU) are assisting the Ministry of Internal Affairs in developing of a distance learning program for the staff of the police detention facilities. The CoE international expert participated in a working group meeting in Georgia on 16-17 May to...
Better crisis management in Georgian prisons
On 1-2 May 2017 Council of Europe (CoE) and European Union (EU) organised working group meeting on introducing the crisis intervention in Georgian prisons. The meeting is part of the assistance provided to Georgian authorities in developing crisis intervention in the penitentiary system. As a...
Working together for well-being of prisoners and prison staff
On 11-13 April 2017 Council of Europe (CoE) and European Union (EU) organised a 2-day training on so-called cold and hot debriefing tools for two groups, composing of suicide prevention programme coordinators in prisons and regime staff. The training was preceded by the off-site work of...
Workshop for prison directors on Code of Ethics
On 28 February 2017, the first interactive workshop on the revised Code of Ethics for prison staff in Ukraine for 25 senior prison officers, the heads of prisons from the Central Interregional Administration of Execution of Criminal Sanctions and Probation took place. The workshop was hosted by...
Discussion on limitations and options for introducing dynamic security into Ukrainian prison practice
A round table on the dynamic security concept took place in Kyiv on 3 February 2017. The event concentrated on the key principles of dynamic security and international good practices and its application in Ukraine. The discussion further focused on the findings of a legal analysis conducted by...
Consolidating suicide prevention programme in prisons
Council of Europe and European Union continues to support the successful implementation of the Suicide Prevention Programme in prisons and as part of it further cascade training will be delivered to the staff of penitentiary establishments. Five 3-day sessions will be held in Rustavi, in the...
სასჯელაღსრულების დაწესებულებათა 200-მდე თანამშრომელი გადამზადდა ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის პრობლემების მქონე პატიმრების მართვის საკითხებზე
ევროპის საბჭოსა და ევროკავშირის ორგანიზებით, 7-დან 15 თებერვლამდე პერიოდში, პენიტენციური სისტემის თანამშრომლებისა და სასჯელაღსრულების დაწესებულებათა დირექტორებისათვის ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის პრობლემების მქონე პატიმრების მართვის საკითხებზე 8 ტრენინგი გაიმართა. სულ ტრენინგებში მონაწილეობა მიიღო...
Cascade training sessions on medical ethics and health promotion activities
The first round of cascade training sessions on Medical Ethics and Health prevention and promotion activities in prisons started on Monday, 16 January 2017 in collaboration with the Law Institute of the Ministry of Justice of Armenia. The cascade training sessions are based on curricula developed...