Project of the Vocational secondary school "Beqir Çela":
We may be different but we deserve equal chances of education
Specific project’s objectives:
- To make the school a welcoming place for boys and girls (girls enrolled and gender situation in school improved);
- To decrease the number of pupils who drop out of school.
Project’s main activities:
Awareness campaign:
- Preparation and distribution of leaflets on what the school offers to pupils and the community;
- Articles in the newspapers and promotional spots on the local TV;
- Informing and awareness-raising visits to the families;
- Presentations on the school and its offers by the group of teachers working in the primary schools of the district;
- Open day with the participation of parents, pupils, teachers, 9th-grade pupils of the primary schools of the district,Regional Education Directorate and business representatives and other members of community;
- Workshop with all the actors to discuss how to make school more open to the community, to be effective and inclusive;
Creating a pleasant and welcoming school environment:
- Painting the outer school façade;
- Reconstruction/improvement of sanitary conditions for girls;
Capacity building - qualification of teachers
- Three-day training of two groups of 15 teachers on:
- - Student-centred-teaching methods “Mutual communication, the positive discipline “
- - Development of psycho-social skills as cross curricular skills;
- - Differentiated teaching;
- - Bases of didactics in vocational schools (hidden drop out);
- - Organisation of Open Classes where colleagues share their knowledge, skills,
- - Inclusive methods and practices and provide their inputs for further improvements
Additional/differentiated working with pupils with learning difficulties:
- Preparation of a plan of additional support classes;
- The realisation of additional support classes throughout the year;
Peer learning: Teacher-teacher experience exchange
- Exchanging experience on inclusion with “Shtjefen Gjeçovi” school, in Pristine, whose programs are sponsored by GIZ-KOSOVO (a group of 15 teachers );
- Sharing the experience gained in Kosovo to other teachers of the school and primary schools of the District, at the workshop
Learning through projects and initiatives to support pupils with economic difficulties:
- The placement of bins to separate waste;
- Building a drop hammer for pressing metal;
- The collection and sale of these materials;
- The usage of gained funds for pupils who drop out of school for economic reasons, to cover costs of transport, books, etc.
- Adding greener areas, improving the green area of the front yard school with plants.
The improvement of psycho-social support:
- Creating proper environment for the psychological service to girls and pupils who are at risk of marginalization and exclusion;
- Meetings and consultations with pupils;
- workshops with pupils, teachers and parents for the adolescence, parenting etc.;
Business-school-family collaboration:
- Five workshops with business-parents-pupils-teachers for creating a stronger collaboration between them;
- Meetings and consultations with business representatives to ensure a job after finishing the first level for pupils who drop out of school.
Project’s target groups:
- Direct beneficiaries: 130 pupils with learning and socio-economic difficulties, 1087 other pupils (all boys), 20 girls that will become an important part of the school, 50 parents and 25 business representatives participating in workshops, 60 teachers and school administrators.
- Indirect beneficiaries: all parents, the entire school and other schools of the district, the whole community, the local government, Regional Education Directorate (RED) and the business.