Inclusive School Net
School name: “Tehnička škola-centar za kontinuirano obrazovanje odraslih”
Learn more about this school project
School type: VET school
Address: Beogradska 10, Bor, Serbia
Contacts (phone, fax, email)
- 00381 30 2432 270
- [email protected]
School Team:
- Sonja Glišic, Principal
- Nataša Stanisavljevic, pedagogue
- Ljubinka Aksic, class teacher
- Danijela Devic, class teacher
- Valentina Dimitrijevic, class teacher
Teacher Team
- Sonja Glisic
- Nada Stosic
- Ljubinka Aksic
- Danijela Devic
- Valentina Dimitrijevic
Number of pupils: 394
Number of male students: 187
Number of female students: 207
Male/female student ratio: m 47 % / f 53 %
Diversity – Inclusion issues
This school has wide variety of students coming from poor and remote areas and 40% of students who are daily traveling to school. There are lots of Roma and Vlah students as well as drop-outs and adult learners. There are students with intellectual and learning disabilities and special educational needs. There is often parental unwillingness to sign up for individual learning plan and they are the ones who often don't want to admit that their child needs further or special support.
Level of inclusive practices/experience
School doesn't have much experience and support in inclusive education and they are aware of the fact that they need more training, skills and coaching in order to establish better inclusive program. They are motivated and trying to get further trainings and get the support from parents. School management is very open and willing but with the resources they have and the remoteness of the area, they are really in the beginning of the process.