Inclusive School Net

School name: Beco Bašic

Learn more about this school project

School type: Mixed VET and Secondary school

Address : Racina bb, Plav, Montenegro

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team
  • Dzana Bakovic- psychologist,
  • Eldana Canovic - biology teacher,
  • Irma Talevic - psychology teacher
  • Spresa Kukic - economy teacher in albanian language
  • Leonora Hasandjekaj -psychology teacher in albanian language
Teacher Team
  • Eldana Canovic
  • Irma Talevic
  • Sanja Rmuš
  • Spresa Kukic
  • Dzana Bakovic


Number of pupils: 742

Number of male students: 377

Number of female students: 365

Male/female student ratio: m51%/f49%

Diversity – Inclusion issues

The classes are held at two languages – Montenegrin and Albanian language. Students live in rural as well as in urban areas and about 40% of students uses transportation to get to school. Structure of students is diverse with regards to ethnic, religion and language. Municipality Plav is one of the poorest municipalities in the country  and majority of students belong to the economically deprived families. There are currently no students with special educational needs, but according to the municipal statistics they would soon be enrolling into this school, thus the motivation to strengthen the skills and knowledge in the inclusive education issues.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

School has been actively following the recommendations from the national strategy on inclusive education and has been training staff for the inclusive education methods and approaches. School also built ramps and adapted restrooms to become accessible for the students with disabilities, and obtained assistive technologies for visually impaired children. School has been participating in the ETF's project on Mapping VET and social inclusive policies.