Project of the Primary School “Vuk Karadžić”:
World, I give you my hands

Specific project’s objectives
  • To provide functionally furnished room for developing communication and social skills of pupils, trainings for team work
  • To develope the feeling and the sense of volunteerism among pupils, and its benefits
  • To develope a sense of belonging and provide support to others who need it to overcome language and cultural barriers
  • To prepare  pupils for public performance; receiving, giving and seeking information in order to present inclusiveness in school  to the local community
  • To educate teachers to work with children with disabilities and talented pupils
  • To strengthen  families to understand and accept the differences and changes that they carry
Project’s main activities:
Creative Corner activities:
  • Renovated and technically equipped „Creative Corner“ will provide creative activities  for children with disabilities , talented pupils and children of RE population, such as:
  • Individual support to pupils who are slower in mastering course content,
  • Support to talented pupils with teaching (printed) hand-outs and  ICT equipment  for their researches
  • Additional help for RE children to overcome the language barrier and master the writing skill by using a variety of hand-outs, guidebooks.
  • Trainings of teachers to find appropriate ways of support and stimulation for children with severe chronic illnesses
  • Talented pupils will help children with disabilities in learning process.
  • Experts from the Resource Centre for Children and Youth "Podgorica" and the Resource centre for children and people with intellectual disabilities and autism, "June 1", the Counselling therapist speech therapist, oligophrenologist… will provide expert service of the Creative Corner for children with disabilities, their parents and individual treatments with children
  • For all the activities, schedule will be drafted.


Celebration of Children`s Week – activities for Pupils` Parliament  
  • Invitations and flyers for parents and participants of the event will be produced and distributed ;
  • Creative workshop: making jewellery, figures out of clay, plastic and other material;
  • Literal workshop: teachers, pupils and Pupils` Parliament will prepare workshop plans for working in small groups. For example, on theme What is uniqueness of our class – pupils will make posters or flyers of their class with this theme.
  • Three best pupils’ works of creative and literary workshops will be announced, presented and awarded by the formed Commission for the selection (parents, pupils, and teachers).
  • Pupils of each class will write and vote for classroom rules with the support of instructed teachers.
  • The "Box of trust" – activities of Information desk: Pupils and parents will secretly write and  put  in the "box of trust" criticism, proposals and suggestions for the improvement of teachers` work and upgrading peer relationships. All proposals will be considered by the Pupils` Parliament. Pupils` Parliament, pedagogue and professor of civic education will answer on pupils and parents` questions about rights and obligation.
  • Educational flyer on: who to contact if he/she suffers any violence at school, family, what to do if they need a help, will be distributed
  • Exhibition: in cooperation with the teacher-mentor stalls will be prepared, prices formed, products` displayed and sellers selected
A child`s day -   20 November 2014
  • Celebration of the event by following script: school choir Anthem of Montenegro, Play, Foundation of Children`s Rights, Duck`s dance (pupils of the second grade), Recitation ‘’ The child is an important man’’, Traditional folk dances (Montenegrin,”Shota”), Puppet play ‘’We are expanding boundaries of our opportunities’’, Sketch in a foreign language (English and Italian), Handing out prizes to the pupils whose works were the most successful.
Family empowerment for active participation in life and work of the school:
  • Three Educational workshops for the groups of parents untitled: “Stop  to   stereotypes and prejudices’’ (in cooperation with RE mediator and coordinator of the Project that supports REF, Help and Council of Europe;
  • Pupils` Parliament representatives will attend parents` meetings of fifth grade pupils at the beginning and at the end of the school year.
  • Pupils` Parliament representatives will attend the Session of Parents` Council  to hand out bulletins and  inform  parents on school activities
Project’s target groups
  • Direct beneficiaries: 875 pupils, 150 parents, 50 teachers
  • Indirect beneficiaries:  Public pre-school institution  Đina Vrbica”(insight into the development of preschool children from vulnerable groups and introducing parents with the benefits of our school before enrolling in the first grade), the Resource Centre for Children and Youth "Podgorica" , the Resource centre for children and people with intellectual disabilities and autism, "June 1",,  Department of Education(trainings), Representatives of NGO