Inclusive School Net

School name: Strašo Pindžur Negotino

Learn more about this school project

School type: Primary school

Address: Partizanska 146, Negotino,  "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team:
  • Suzana Andonova, principal
  • Milena Kamcheva, pedagogue
  • Vaska Jovanova, parent council member
  • Gjorgjina Dimova, teacher
  • Pepica Trajkova, special educator
Teacher Team
  • Netka Bogevska
  • Aleksandra Balkanski
  • Kiro Gligorov
  • Ordancho Ristov
  • Sanja Andevska

Number of pupils: 835

Number of male students: 407

Number of female students: 428

Male/female student ratio: m 49 % / f 51 % 

Diversity – Inclusion issues

School has students from different ethnicities and religious backgrounds. 40 % of students are from the rural areas. Greatest diversity issue is with Roma students who are often dropping-out from school, due to the various reasons, but mainly because of the low social and economical standing. School also has certain number of students with the intellectual disability.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

This school has excellent infrastructure, and newly renovated and refurbished building and appointed young and trained staff and there is good motivation for inclusive education. There is a strong support from the municipality and parents, but there is very moderate experience existing and much need for further improvement in various respects: how to create individual learning plans, how to integrate Roma students better, how to work with different disabilities, etc.