Project of the Primary school “Novi Šeher”:
Together for better tomorrow

Specific project’s objectives:
  • To create better working conditions for  children with special educational needs: gifted pupils, pupils with learning and behavior disabilities;
  • To modernize teaching process of all subjects and implement innovative ideas by ensuring active participation of all pupils;
  • To facilitate and enhance cooperation of parents and school through participation in the workshops, procurement of necessary equipment and assistance in the implementation and developing new projects
Project’s main activities:
Creating better conditions for extracurricular activities
  • Adapting the classroom for extracurricular activities for all pupils, especially pupils with learning disabilities and gifted talented pupils who will express their ideas and creativity through different sections,
  • Drafting remedial and additional program for pupils who have some difficulties in their work, but also for those gifted pupils (visiting schools in the municipality of Maglaj, and visiting the Daily Centre for the children with special needs in Maglaj for approximately 20 pupils).
  • Engaging speech therapist to help pupils who have some difficulties in pronouncing certain sounds or words.
  • Upgrading existing and introducing new extracurricular activities will contribute to developing better relationships among pupils, better tolerance and the inclusion of all pupils, especially those pupils who have specific learning and behaviour difficulties.
    • - puppet section,
    • - art section,
    • - journalism section,
    • - computer science and ecological section, dedicated to those pupils who show certain interest and preferences;
    • - visiting theatre
Capacity building
  • Workshops with teachers, parents and pupils on themes:
    • - Open doors to everyone;
    • - Non violent communication, workshop for parents;
    • - Basis of democracy, four workshops of  Pupils Council with pupils of 8th and 9th grade

The workshops will improve the teachers’ work with pupils from vulnerable groups, improve communication and cooperation of school and parents and increase the level of pupils’ participation in the school life.

Specially planned activities for pupils with specific learning, developmental or behaviour difficulties
  • Pupils will have the opportunity
    • - to use different didactic materials,
    • - to develop their skills, abilities and creativity.
    • - to socialize with their peers and learn from them,
  • Teachers will have the opportunity:
    • - to break the stereotypes and prejudices;
    • - to explain teaching content adjusted to the abilities of each child, by using different methods and ways of teaching.
Exchanging experiences and practices
  • Having in mind that our school is attended by pupils of different nationalities, we will have opportunity to exchange the experiences and establish the cooperation and partnership through visits  to schools with similar backgrounds:
    • - Visit to Primary school “Usora” with two curricula and two languages – Bosnian and Croatian,
    • - Visit to the Primary school “Dositej Obradović” –Teslić (Bosniaks and Serbs).
Project’s target groups
  • Direct beneficiaries: approximately 200 pupils: gifted pupils, pupils with learning, developmental and behavioral difficulties, Student Council members, at least 20 teachers and 60 parents
  • Indirect beneficiaries: all other pupils (approximately 400 ), teachers (approximately 50), parents (approximately 200), other community members and partner schools